AppEngine Launcher 1.9.23 在 OSX 上运行缓慢

AppEngine Launcher 1.9.23 在 OSX 上运行缓慢

有没有人注意到最新的 AppEngine Launcher(版本 1.9.23)部署代码所需的时间更长?以前只需不到一分钟,现在却需要 15 分钟以上。我能做些什么来解决这个问题?

以下是单个文件推送的控制台输出(总共 100 个文件):

*** Running with the following flags:
    --oauth2_credential_file=~/.appcfg_oauth2_tokens update
07:26 AM Application: ******; version: 1
07:26 AM Host:
07:26 AM 
Starting update of app: ******, version: 1
07:26 AM Getting current resource limits.
07:28 AM Scanning files on local disk.
Could not guess mimetype for media/  Using application/octet-stream.
Could not guess mimetype for media/  Using application/octet-stream.
07:29 AM Cloning 48 static files.
07:31 AM Cloning 49 application files.
07:32 AM Uploading 1 files and blobs.
07:33 AM Uploaded 1 files and blobs.
07:33 AM Compilation starting.
07:35 AM Compilation completed.
07:35 AM Starting deployment.
07:36 AM Checking if deployment succeeded.
07:37 AM Deployment successful.
07:38 AM Checking if updated app version is serving.
07:40 AM Completed update of app: ******, version: 1
07:41 AM Uploading index definitions.
If deploy fails you might need to 'rollback' manually.
The "Make Symlinks..." menu option can help with command-line work.
*** has finished with exit code 0 ***
