在 Windows x64 上安装 postgresql 9.4.4 时找不到脚本文件 prerun_checks.vbs

在 Windows x64 上安装 postgresql 9.4.4 时找不到脚本文件 prerun_checks.vbs

当我尝试安装 postgresql(postgresql-9.4.4-3-windows x64)时,bitrock_installer 日志中出现以下错误:

Script output: 
Input Error: Can not find script file "C:\Users\administrator\Local Settings\postgresql_installer_71e39a3390\prerun_checks.vbs". 

以下是完整的 bitrock_installer 日志:

Log started 08/17/2015 at 13:17:43 
Preferred installation mode : qt 
Trying to init installer in mode qt 
Trying to init installer in mode qt 
Trying to init installer in mode win32 
Mode win32 successfully initialized 
Executing C:\Users\administrator\Local Settings/postgresql_installer_71e39a3390/temp_check_comspec.bat 
Script exit code: 0 

Script output: 
"test ok" 

Script stderr: 

Could not find registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\postgresql-9.4 Data Directory. Setting variable iDataDirectory to empty value 
Could not find registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\postgresql-9.4 Base Directory. Setting variable iBaseDirectory to empty value 
Could not find registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\postgresql-9.4 Service ID. Setting variable iServiceName to empty value 
Could not find registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\postgresql-9.4 Service Account. Setting variable iServiceAccount to empty value 
Could not find registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\postgresql-9.4 Super User. Setting variable iSuperuser to empty value 
Could not find registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\postgresql-9.4 Branding. Setting variable iBranding to empty value 
Could not find registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\postgresql-9.4 Version. Setting variable brandingVer to empty value 
Could not find registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\postgresql-9.4 Shortcuts. Setting variable iShortcut to empty value 
Could not find registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\postgresql-9.4 DisableStackBuilder. Setting variable iDisableStackBuilder to empty value 
[13:17:47] Existing base directory: 
[13:17:47] Existing data directory: 
[13:17:47] Using branding: PostgreSQL 9.4 (x86) 
[13:17:47] Using Super User: postgres and Service Account: NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService 
[13:17:47] Using Service Name: postgresql-9.4 
Executing cscript //NoLogo "C:\Users\administrator\Local Settings\postgresql_installer_71e39a3390\prerun_checks.vbs" 
Script exit code: 1 

Script output: 
Input Error: Can not find script file "C:\Users\administrator\Local Settings\postgresql_installer_71e39a3390\prerun_checks.vbs". 

Script stderr: 
Program ended with an error exit code 

Error running cscript //NoLogo "C:\Users\administrator\Local Settings\postgresql_installer_71e39a3390\prerun_checks.vbs": Program ended with an error exit code




通过改变环境用户变量解决了这个问题”温度“ 和 ”三磷酸酯“ 从:

C:\Users\administrator\Local Settings\Temp


造成这种情况的原因是 Microsoft 更改了某些符号链接。请在此处阅读更多信息:https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb756982.aspx
