wifi 管理员可以查看 viber 消息吗

wifi 管理员可以查看 viber 消息吗

wifi 管理员可以看到 viber 消息吗?

而且,WiFi 管理员可以看到多远或多详细的信息,比如通过 viber 发送的图片?




wireshark 论坛

Capture setup is possibly not ready for wifi/wlan capturing. Please read the wiki about capturing traffic in such an environment: http://wiki.wireshark.org/CaptureSetup/WLAN

    I am NOT able to detect the VoIP call being made on these smartphones (using the smartphone app Viber).

well, even if see the wifi/wlan traffic of the phones, you may not be able to capture 'voip' calls made via viber.com. I don't know for sure, but I'm pretty confident, that they will use their own protocol and I hope they will use encryption, otherwise I would consider viber.com a security failure and not a service ;-). Unfortunately both issues (own protocol and encryption) will make it hard/impossible to extract any valuable information from the captured packets. Anyway, you will see how far you get, as soon as your wlan/wifi capture setup works.

HINT: wifi monitoring mode (see wiki) is not supported on Windows with WinPcap, so if you want to capture the wifi/wlan traffic of your android phones you either have to use a special adapter on Windows (AirPcap) or use Linux as the platform for Wireshark.

Please read the following paper regarding viber security. It explains some concepts (protocol,'encryption/scrambling', etc.)




wifi 管理员可以看到 viber 消息吗?

网络管理员(可能)能够看到到 Viber 的流量。



  • Viber 消息应该是加密的。然而,过去曾出现过一些漏洞,例如Viber 开始修复图像加密漏洞. 加密中可能还存在(未被发现的)错误。

  • 此外,您的信息安全取决于您的设备。如果您丢失了手机/笔记本电脑,或者有人入侵了您的电脑,一切就都无从谈起。

  • 我不会使用消息应用程序来传输私人/机密信息(例如尴尬的照片、银行详细信息等)。

在线发送消息意味着信任您发送消息的应用程序,并且您必须确切了解采取了哪些安全措施来保护您的信息隐私。使用 Viber,您的消息是安全的。

通过 Viber 在其支持的平台上发送的所有短信均已加密。照片和视频等媒体消息在 iOS 版 Viber、Android 版 Viber、Windows 8 版 Viber 和 Windows Phone 8 版 Viber 上均已加密。



