OpenVPN TAP 驱动程序安装问题

OpenVPN TAP 驱动程序安装问题


我曾尝试在 OpenVPN 论坛上询问这个问题,但没有得到回复,我花了几个小时寻找答案并解决问题。我正在运行 Windows 8.1 x64。

当我安装 OpenVPN 软件时,它会一直安装到 TAP 驱动程序。然后 TAP 驱动程序就会失败。我尝试以管理员身份运行驱动程序,在属性中取消阻止它,关闭防火墙和 AV,将网络的注册表值更改为 config.bak,安装不同版本,卸载“未知”设备,删除 HKLM/SYSTEM/Enum 中的 NET 键,尝试在安全模式下安装它,禁用驱动程序签名,运行 sfc /scannow,授予 rundll.exe 权限,但仍然没有任何效果。

无论我做什么,都会出现错误。以下是 TAP 安装程序的日志:

>>> [Device Install (UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices) - tap0901]
>>> Section start 2015/10/14 23:23:26.442
    cmd: "C:\Program Files\TAP-Windows\bin\devcon.exe" install "C:\Program Files\TAP-Windows\driver\OemWin2k.inf" tap0901
    dvi: {Update Device Driver - ROOT\NET\0005}
    dvi: {Build Driver List} 23:23:26.458
    dvi: Searching for hardware ID(S):
    dvi: tap0901
    sig: {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE} 23:23:26.458
    sig: Key = oemwin2k.inf
    sig: FilePath = c:\program files\tap-windows\driver\oemwin2k.inf
    sig: Catalog = c:\program files\tap-windows\driver\
    sig: Verifying file against specific (valid) catalog failed! (0x800b0109)
    sig: Error 0x800b109: A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider
    sig: {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE exit(0x800b0109)} 23:23:26.489
    sig: {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE} 23:23:26.489
    sig: Key = oemwin2k.inf
    sig: FilePath = c:\program files\tap-windows\driver\oemwin2k.inf
    sig: Catalog  = c:\program files\tap-windows\driver\
    sig: Success: File is signed in Authenticode(tm) catalog.
    sig: Error 0xe0000241: The INF was signed with an Authenticode(tm) catalog from a trusted publisher
    sig: {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE exit(0xe0000241)} 23:23:26.505
    dvi: Created Driver Node:
    dvi: HardwareID - tap0901
    dvi: InfName - c:\program files\tap-windows\driver\oemwin2k.inf
    dvi: DevDesc - Tap-Windows Adapter V9
    dvi: Section - tap0901.ndi
    dvi: Rank - 0x00ff0000
    dvi: Signer Score - Authenticode
    dvi: DrvDate - 07/02/2012
    dvi: Version -
    dvi: {Build Driver List - exit(0x00000000)} 23:23:26.505
    dvi: {DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV} 23:23:26.505
    dvi: Using exported function 'NetClassInstaller' in module 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\NetCfgx.dll'.
    dvi: Class installer == NetCfgx.dll,NetClassInstaller
    dvi: Using exported function 'WlanDeviceClassCoInstaller' in module 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\wlanist.dll'.
    dvi: CoInstaller 1 == wlaninst.dll,WlanDeviceClassCoInstaller
    dvi: Using exported function 'WwanDeviceClassCoInstaller' in module 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\wwaninst.dll'.
    dvi: CoInstaller 2 == wwaninst.dll,WwanDeviceClassCoInstaller
    dvi: CoInstaller 1: Enter 23:23:26.505
    dvi: CoInstaller 1: Exit
    dvi: CoInstaller 2: Enter 23:23:26.505
    dvi: CoInstaller 2: Exit
    dvi: Class installer: Enter 23:23:26.505
    dvi: Class Installer: Exit
    dvi: Default installer: Enter 23:23:26.505
    dvi: {Select Best Driver}
    dvi: Class GUID of device remains: {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}.
    dvi: Selected:
    dvi: Description - [Tap-Windows Adapter V9]
    dvi: InfFile - [c:\program files\tap-windows\driver\oemwin2k.inf]
    dvi: Section - [tap0901.ndi]
    dvi: {Select Best Driver - exit(0x00000000)}
    dvi: Default installer: Exit
    dvi: {DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV - exit(0x00000000)} 23:23:26.505
    ndv: Forcing driver install:
    ndv: Inf Name - oemwin2k.inf
    ndv: Driver Date - 07/02/2012
    ndv: Driver Version -
    sto: {Setup Import Driver Package: c:\program files\tap-windows\driver\oemwin2k.inf} 23:23:26.505
    inf: Provider: TAP-Windows Provider V9
    inf: Class GUID: {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    inf: Driver Version: 07/02/2012,
    inf: Catalog File:
    sto: {Copy Driver Package: c:\program files\tap-windows\driver\oemwin2k.inf} 23:23:26.520
    sto: Driver Package = c:\program files\tap-windows\driver\oemwin2k.inf
    sto: Flags = 0x00000007
    sto: Destination = C:\Users\Andy\AppData\Local\Temp\{7c0d8e2c-e951-7842-91dc-005ca0be2155}
    sto: Copying driver package files to 'C:\Users\Andy\AppData\Local\Temp\{7c0d8e2c-e951-7842-91dc-005ca0be2155}'.
    flq: Copying 'c:\program files\tap-windows\driver\oemwin2k.inf' to 'C:\Users\Andy\AppData\Local\Temp\{7c0d8e2c-e951-7842-91dc-005ca0be2155}\oemwin2k.inf'.
    flq: opying 'c:\program files\tap-windows\driver\' to 'C:\Users\Andy\AppData\Local\Temp\{7c0d8e2c-e951-7842-91dc-005ca0be2155}\'.
    flq: Copying 'c:\program files\tap-windows\driver\tap0901.sys' to 'C:\Users\Andy\AppData\Local\Temp\{7c0d8e2c-e951-7842-91dc-005ca0be2155}\tap0901.sys'.
    sto: {Copy Driver Package: exit(0x00000000)} 23:23:26.536
    sto: Failed to call to import driver package. Error = 0x0000000D
    sto: {Setup Import Driver Package - exit(0x0000000d)} 23:28:26.538
    ndv: Driver Package import failed for device
    ndv: Error 13: The data is invalid
    ndv: Installing NULL driver


Sig: Verifying file against specific (valid) catalog failed! (0x800b0109)
Error 0x800b0109: A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider.


所以我找到了这篇文章,驱动程序签名疑难解答并且它指出要安装一个不是“根据特定(有效)目录验证文件失败”的驱动程序。因此,我转到“添加硬件”,并说我有磁盘,然后输入 TAP 驱动程序的 .inf 文件,它指出

您指定的文件夹不包含与您的设备兼容的软件驱动程序。如果该文件夹包含驱动程序,请确保该驱动程序设计为适用于基于 x64 的 Windows 系统。

尽管下载内容显示它是针对 openvpn-install-2.3.4-I604-x86_64.exe 的。那么我该怎么做呢?

请大家帮帮我,我真的需要 OpenVPN,而且我已经解决这个问题好几天了。

