在 Notepad++ 中替换括号内的 ,(逗号)

在 Notepad++ 中替换括号内的 ,(逗号)

我想替换,字符串中所有 (逗号) 的实例,例如:

word, synonym, synonym (definition 1, definition2)

我不想触碰任何在 first 之前的内容(,也不想更改括号内的任何文本 - 我所需要的只是将括号内的所有逗号替换为分号,这样我就会得到类似这样的内容:

word, synonym, synonym (definition 1; definition2)

我尝试\(.*[\, ].*\)捕获括号中的所有内容,但我不知道如何设置 Notepad++ 来仅替换逗号而不替换其他内容。


所以您想将括号内的 , 替换为分号?


Find: \((.*)(,)(.*)\)
Explanation: \(     - Literally capture a left bracket
             (.*)   - Captures everything and groups it until...
             (,)    - Captures the comma and groups it
             (.*)   - Captures everything and groups it until...
             \)     - ... the literal right bracket.

Replace With: \($1;$3\)
Explanation:  We replace everything caught above, meaning we need to put in...
              \(    - The literal left bracket again
              $1    - The first group we captured before (everything before ,)
              ;     - Our replacement for the comma, a semi colon
              $3    - The third group we captured before (we skipped 2, the comma, and got everything after)
              \)    - Finally, our literal right bracket again


Find: \((.*)(?:,)(.*)\)
Explanation: (?:) means the group doesn't capture, so we now replace with:
Replace With: \($1;$2\)

当然是在 REGEX 模式下。

