我拥有一个耶鲁 EasyFit 报警系统,它允许我通过一个笨拙的电话接口来控制它(doc这里)
Remote Access
The control unit allows you to control your system
remotely through the telephone line.
1 Dial the phone number associated with the Control
2 Hang up on the first ring.
3 Wait 5-10 seconds.
4 Dial the number again.
5 The control unit will answer the phone on the first
ring of that second call.
6 Enter your PIN Code within 3 seconds.
7 If the PIN code is correct, you will hear a long
beep. A list of different functions is detailed below:
Press 2 Put the system into away armed mode (arm
the system).
Press 3 Disarm the system.
Press 5 Checking the system status. Long single
beep for Away Armed, two beeps for Disarmed and
three beeps for Home Armed.
Press 7 Siren on.
Press 8 Siren off.
Press 9 or 0 Disconnect.
• Remember to press 9 or 0 before you hang up, or
the control unit will hang up automatically after 30
所讨论的设备旨在通过模拟电话线进行操作,为了实现自动化使用,您需要使用您可以控制的设备来模拟该“接口”,在这种情况下,最简单的可能是 SIP FXS 网关。