How do I create a sum based on a selection from a Dropdown box?

How do I create a sum based on a selection from a Dropdown box?

I am trying to work out a sum based on a selection from a Dropdown box.
If the selection from the Dropdown is chosen and a figure is entered into a separate cell then an answer to a sum is then displayed in a separate cell. I think it is more straight forward than I am making it to be.

If I chose a company in C5, enter a figure in E5 then I would like a result to appear in G5 & H5 based on the loan amount multiplied by the relevant figure.

How can I do this?

enter image description here


If your Lender data validation list in C5 is =$J$4:$J$31 as per your example

for loan amount in E5

The Gross Proc formula in G5 would be


and the Net Proc formula in G5 would be



If your Dropdown Box is in C5, the Loan in E5 and your Array (Lender Gross Net) in J,K,L J2:L30 for example, write in G5: =IF(AND(ISBLANK(C5),ISBLANK(E5)),"",E5*IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(C5,$J$2:$L$30,2)),0,VLOOKUP(C5,$J$2:$L$30,2)))
and in H5: =IF(AND(ISBLANK(C5),ISBLANK(E5)),"",E5*IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(C5,$J$2:$L$30,3)),0,VLOOKUP(C5,$J$2:$L$30,3)))
Where E5*IF() is your Formula (I looked for the corresponding value of Gross and Net for a given company in C5
