WebGL 无法在 Chrome 上运行?

WebGL 无法在 Chrome 上运行?

我有一台新的 Microsoft Surface 4,正在努力让 WebGL 在 Chrome 中工作。它在 Microsoft Edge 或 Internet Explorer 中运行良好,但 Chrome 却无法运行。

如果我去http://get.webgl.org,我在 Edge 中收到此消息:

您的浏览器支持 WebGL

然而,它表明支持是实验性的;并非所有的 WebGL 功能都受支持,并且内容可能无法按预期运行。

我还看到了旋转的小立方体,表明 WebGL 正在运行。

如果我使用 Chrome 访问同一页面,则会出现以下信息:

嗯。虽然您的浏览器似乎支持 WebGL,但它已被禁用或不可用。如果可能,请确保您运行的是显卡的最新驱动程序

我搜索了整个网络,试图找出为什么这在 Chrome 中不起作用,但没有任何结果。如果我访问 chrome://gpu,我会看到以下内容:

Graphics Feature Status

Canvas: Hardware accelerated
Flash: Hardware accelerated
Flash Stage3D: Hardware accelerated
Flash Stage3D Baseline profile: Hardware accelerated
Compositing: Hardware accelerated
Multiple Raster Threads: Enabled
Native GpuMemoryBuffers: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Rasterization: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Video Decode: Hardware accelerated
Video Encode: Hardware accelerated
WebGL: Hardware accelerated

Driver Bug Workarounds


Problems Detected

Some drivers are unable to reset the D3D device in the GPU process sandbox
Applied Workarounds: exit_on_context_lost
TexSubImage is faster for full uploads on ANGLE
Applied Workarounds: texsubimage_faster_than_teximage
Clear uniforms before first program use on all platforms: 124764, 349137
Applied Workarounds: clear_uniforms_before_first_program_use
Always rewrite vec/mat constructors to be consistent: 398694
Applied Workarounds: scalarize_vec_and_mat_constructor_args
ANGLE crash on glReadPixels from incomplete cube map texture: 518889
Applied Workarounds: force_cube_complete
On Intel GPUs MSAA performance is not acceptable for GPU rasterization: 527565
Applied Workarounds: msaa_is_slow
Framebuffer discarding can hurt performance on non-tilers: 570897
Applied Workarounds: disable_discard_framebuffer
Accelerated rasterization has been disabled, either via about:flags or command line.
Disabled Features: rasterization
Native GpuMemoryBuffers have been disabled, either via about:flags or command line.
Disabled Features: native_gpu_memory_buffers

Version Information

Data exported   6/29/2016, 1:49:01 PM
Chrome version  Chrome/51.0.2704.106
Operating system    Windows NT 10.0
Software rendering list version 10.18
Driver bug list version 8.66
ANGLE commit id 1a1b30c37e13
2D graphics backend Skia
Command Line Args   --flag-switches-begin --flag-switches-end

每当我找到解释在 Chrome 中启用 WebGL 所需设置的各种标志的指南时,我发现我已经对它们进行了适当的设置。


  • 边缘:25.10586.0.0
  • 浏览器:11.306.10586.0
  • 铬:51.0.2704.106 米

我的显卡是 Intel Iris Graphics 540,带有最新的驱动程序(v20.19.15.4409)。


