安装最新版本的 Kile 后,尝试运行它会因分段错误而崩溃:
$ kile
qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/16/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/16@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/16/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/16@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/22/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/22@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/24/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/24@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/24/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/24@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/32/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/32@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/32/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/32@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/48/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/48@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/48/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/48@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/64/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/64@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/64/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/64@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/96/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/96@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/128/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/128@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/256/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/256@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/symbolic/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/symbolic/"
kf5.kio.core: Refilling KProtocolInfoFactory cache in the hope to find "mtp"
kf5.kservice.services: KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType "ThumbCreator" not found
No text-to-speech plug-ins were found.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Kile 如何在 Linux Mint 19 中运行?
经过多次搜索,我在一个帖子中找到了答案Debian 错误帖子交换:
如果未安装 okular 软件包,kile 将无法启动并因分段错误而崩溃。
sudo apt-get install okular
在 Ubuntu 18.04 中也出现了类似的错误,我使用了其中一种解决方法。
- 如果从“活动”启动但不在终端中启动,则 kile 可以工作。
- 从 LD_Library_Path 中删除 Qt5 库,例如 .bashrc 中