Linux mp3 发布标签编写器

Linux mp3 发布标签编写器

我正在寻找适用于 Linux (centos) 的 mp3 cli 标签编写器,它可以添加发布者标签,搜索了几天,尝试了很多 cli 编写器,但它们都只有基本选项,如标题、艺术家、专辑、流派、评论,我感兴趣的是发布者标签,所以有没有什么工具可以帮助我,没有 gui,只有 cli,因为我在 centos 上,必须将其链接到 php,谢谢


经过大量搜索,我找到了可以在 mp3 上写入 v2 标签的 mid3v2

yum install python
yum install pip
pip install mutagen


$ mid3v2 -h
Usage: mid3v2 [OPTION] [FILE]...

Mutagen-based replacement for id3lib's id3v2.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         be verbose
  -q, --quiet           be quiet (the default)
  -e, --escape          enable interpretation of backslash escapes
  -f, --list-frames     Display all possible frames for ID3v2.3 / ID3v2.4
  --list-frames-v2.2    Display all possible frames for ID3v2.2
  -L, --list-genres     Lists all ID3v1 genres
  -l, --list            Lists the tag(s) on the open(s)
  --list-raw            Lists the tag(s) on the open(s) in Python format
  -d, --delete-v2       Deletes ID3v2 tags
  -s, --delete-v1       Deletes ID3v1 tags
  -D, --delete-all      Deletes ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags
                        Delete the given frames
  -C, --convert         Convert tags to ID3v2.4 (any editing will do this)
  -a "ARTIST", --artist="ARTIST"
                        Set the artist information
  -A "ALBUM", --album="ALBUM"
                        Set the album title information
  -t "SONG", --song="SONG"
                        Set the song title information
                        Set the comment information
  -g "GENRE", --genre="GENRE"
                        Set the genre or genre number
  -y YYYY[-MM-DD], --year=YYYY[-MM-DD], --date=YYYY[-MM-DD]
                        Set the year/date
  -T "num/num", --track="num/num"
                        Set the track number/(optional) total tracks

mp3 标签可以这样写

mid3v2 -a "artist" --TPUB "company name" 'path/file.mp3'
