AWS-EC2 - vsftpd:无法检索目录 / 的内容 - 仅在文本编辑器上

AWS-EC2 - vsftpd:无法检索目录 / 的内容 - 仅在文本编辑器上

我在 ec2 实例上配置 vsftpd 时遇到了一个非常奇怪的问题:我已将 ftp 服务器配置为使用 TLS 上的 ftp,并且它在 filezilla 上运行良好,但是我无法使用任何文本编辑器 ftp 模块进行连接(我尝试使用 notepad++ 和 webstorm)。我认为问题可能出在 SSL 上,所以我首先将其更改为简单的不安全 FTP,然后尝试使其工作。现在 FTP 客户端又可以正常工作了(filezilla、total commander),但成功连接后,上述文本编辑器给我以下错误:

Failure retrieving contents of directory /

我尝试了所有方法,但目前还不知道问题出在哪里。以下是我的 vsftp 配置:





Sat Jan 14 20:01:06 2017 [pid 8099] CONNECT: Client "::ffff:"
Sat Jan 14 20:01:06 2017 [pid 8099] FTP response: Client "::ffff:", "220 (vsFTPd 3.0.3)"
Sat Jan 14 20:01:06 2017 [pid 8099] FTP command: Client "::ffff:", "AUTH TLS"
Sat Jan 14 20:01:06 2017 [pid 8099] FTP response: Client "::ffff:", "530 Please login with USER and PASS."
Sat Jan 14 20:01:06 2017 [pid 8099] FTP command: Client "::ffff:", "AUTH SSL"
Sat Jan 14 20:01:06 2017 [pid 8099] FTP response: Client "::ffff:", "530 Please login with USER and PASS."
Sat Jan 14 20:01:06 2017 [pid 8099] FTP command: Client "::ffff:", "USER dev_back"
Sat Jan 14 20:01:06 2017 [pid 8099] [dev_back] FTP response: Client "::ffff:", "331 Please specify the password."
Sat Jan 14 20:01:06 2017 [pid 8099] [dev_back] FTP command: Client "::ffff:", "PASS <password>"
Sat Jan 14 20:01:06 2017 [pid 8098] [dev_back] OK LOGIN: Client "::ffff:"
Sat Jan 14 20:01:06 2017 [pid 8100] [dev_back] FTP response: Client "::ffff:", "230 Login successful."
Sat Jan 14 20:01:06 2017 [pid 8100] [dev_back] FTP command: Client "::ffff:", "PWD"
Sat Jan 14 20:01:06 2017 [pid 8100] [dev_back] FTP response: Client "::ffff:", "257 "/" is the current directory"


Sat Jan 14 20:01:37 2017 [pid 8102] CONNECT: Client "::ffff:"
Sat Jan 14 20:01:37 2017 [pid 8102] FTP response: Client "::ffff:", "220 (vsFTPd 3.0.3)"
Sat Jan 14 20:01:37 2017 [pid 8102] FTP command: Client "::ffff:", "USER dev_back"
Sat Jan 14 20:01:37 2017 [pid 8102] [dev_back] FTP response: Client "::ffff:", "331 Please specify the password."
Sat Jan 14 20:01:37 2017 [pid 8102] [dev_back] FTP command: Client "::ffff:", "PASS <password>"
Sat Jan 14 20:01:37 2017 [pid 8101] [dev_back] OK LOGIN: Client "::ffff:"
Sat Jan 14 20:01:37 2017 [pid 8103] [dev_back] FTP response: Client "::ffff:", "230 Login successful."
Sat Jan 14 20:01:37 2017 [pid 8103] [dev_back] FTP command: Client "::ffff:", "TYPE A"
Sat Jan 14 20:01:37 2017 [pid 8103] [dev_back] FTP response: Client "::ffff:", "200 Switching to ASCII mode."
Sat Jan 14 20:01:37 2017 [pid 8103] [dev_back] FTP command: Client "::ffff:", "MODE S"
Sat Jan 14 20:01:37 2017 [pid 8103] [dev_back] FTP response: Client "::ffff:", "200 Mode set to S."
Sat Jan 14 20:01:37 2017 [pid 8103] [dev_back] FTP command: Client "::ffff:", "STRU F"
Sat Jan 14 20:01:37 2017 [pid 8103] [dev_back] FTP response: Client "::ffff:", "200 Structure set to F."
Sat Jan 14 20:01:38 2017 [pid 8103] [dev_back] FTP command: Client "::ffff:", "PWD"
Sat Jan 14 20:01:38 2017 [pid 8103] [dev_back] FTP response: Client "::ffff:", "257 "/" is the current directory"
Sat Jan 14 20:01:38 2017 [pid 8103] [dev_back] FTP command: Client "::ffff:", "CWD /"
Sat Jan 14 20:01:38 2017 [pid 8103] [dev_back] FTP response: Client "::ffff:", "250 Directory successfully changed."
Sat Jan 14 20:01:38 2017 [pid 8103] [dev_back] FTP command: Client "::ffff:", "PASV"
Sat Jan 14 20:01:38 2017 [pid 8103] [dev_back] FTP response: Client "::ffff:", "227 Entering Passive Mode (0,0,0,0,4,2)."
Sat Jan 14 20:01:38 2017 [pid 8103] [dev_back] FTP command: Client "::ffff:", "LIST"
Sat Jan 14 20:02:38 2017 [pid 8103] [dev_back] FTP response: Client "::ffff:", "425 Failed to establish connection."


2017-01-14 21:27:41 4856 1 Response: 220 (vsFTPd 3.0.3)
2017-01-14 21:27:41 4856 1 Command: AUTH TLS
2017-01-14 21:27:41 4856 1 Response: 530 Please login with USER and PASS.
2017-01-14 21:27:41 4856 1 Command: AUTH SSL
2017-01-14 21:27:41 4856 1 Response: 530 Please login with USER and PASS.
2017-01-14 21:27:41 4856 1 Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS.
2017-01-14 21:27:41 4856 1 Command: USER dev_back
2017-01-14 21:27:41 4856 1 Response: 331 Please specify the password.
2017-01-14 21:27:41 4856 1 Command: PASS ***********
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Response: 230 Login successful.
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Command: SYST
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Command: FEAT
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Response: 211-Features:
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Response:  EPRT
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Response:  EPSV
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Response:  MDTM
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Response:  PASV
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Response:  REST STREAM
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Response:  SIZE
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Response:  TVFS
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Response: 211 End
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Status: Server does not support non-ASCII characters.
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Status: Logged in
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Status: Retrieving directory listing...
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Command: PWD
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Response: 257 "/" is the current directory
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Command: TYPE I
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Response: 200 Switching to Binary mode.
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Command: PASV
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (0,0,0,0,4,12).
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Status: Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Using server address instead.
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Command: LIST
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Response: 150 Here comes the directory listing.
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Response: 226 Directory send OK.
2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 Status: Directory listing of "/" successful


2017 年 1 月 14 日星期六 20:01:38 [pid 8103] [dev_back] FTP 响应:客户端“::ffff:”,“227 进入被动模式(0,0,0,0“,4,2)”。

当设置公共时,这看起来像是 vsftpd FTP 服务器的一个错误,pasv_address并且服务器有一个(本地)IPv6 地址(EC2 的情况是这样的)。

我在 Server Fault 问题上发布了更多关于该 bug 的信息即使 pasv_address 正确,Vsftpd 也会使用 0,0,0,0 地址进行被动回复

FileZilla 可以忽略无效的 IP 地址:

2017-01-14 21:27:42 4856 1 响应:227 进入被动模式 (0,0,0,0,4,12)。2017-01-14
21:27:42 4856 1 状态:服务器发送了带有不可路由地址的被动回复。改用服务器地址。

但 Notepad++ 不能。
