There are certain streams (not live) I wan't to save for later.
rtmpdump works:
rtmpdump --rtmp=rtmp:// --playpath=mp4:bonanza/08-03-2008/40322_720x540x1400K.mp4 --flv=test.flv
However, the output file is in flv format and extremely large compared to the quality, so I need to convert it to mp4 afterwards with ffmpeg.
No problem.
But since I know that ffmpeg can grab rtmp streams already, I have tried various forms with ffmpeg, such as:
ffmpeg -i "rtmp://" -rtmp_playpath "mp4:bonanza/08-03-2008/40322_720x540x1400K.mp4" test.mp4
But I get the following error no matter what:
Closing connection: NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound
rtmp:// Unknown error occurred
Is the ffmpeg command malformed, or can ffmpeg just not grab this stream?