Windows 7 陷入启动修复循环

Windows 7 陷入启动修复循环

嗨,我的电脑卡在启动修复循环中。它已经这样卡了好几个小时了。当它第一次打开时,我得到了蓝屏,然后它立即进入“Windows 正在加载文件...”启动修复运行,大约十秒钟后我得到了 2 个屏幕。

一说"Startup Repair can I repair this computer automatically. Sending more information can help...."开题细节揭示;

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: StartupRepairOffline
Problem signature 01:
Problem signature 02: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem signature 03: unknown
Problem signature 04: -1
Problem signature 05: AutoFailover
Problem signature 06: 1
Problem signature 07: OsVersionMismatch
OS version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

第二个屏幕显示"Startup Repair could not detect a problem. If you have recently attached a device..."单击查看修复诊断和修复详细信息;

Root cause found: The operating system version is incompatible with Startup Repair.

检查更新、系统磁盘测试、磁盘故障诊断、磁盘元数据测试、目标操作系统测试和卷内容检查均出现错误代码 0x0。

我没有 Windows 安装盘,但我有另一台计算机和一个 USB 闪存驱动器。
