如何将轴标题锚定到 x 轴?

如何将轴标题锚定到 x 轴?

在反转 y 轴上的数字顺序并将 x 轴设置为与 1 相交而不是与 0 相交后,x 轴标题不再位于轴旁边:


有什么方法可以将轴标题固定到轴上,最好是固定在轴下方的白色区域?搜索 axis-title 的属性,我没有找到有关其位置的任何信息。


如果不使用 VBA,这是不可能的,但使用 VBA 可以自动触发任何图表更改。此代码假设图表是嵌入图表(嵌入在工作表中),而不是图表表

  1. 选择选项Developer卡 (如果没有显示说明)。
  2. 选择Editor
  3. 在项目窗口中的任意位置单击鼠标右键,然后选择InsertModule
  4. 选择新的模块窗口后按F6(或单击View然后Properties Window)。
  5. 将名称更改为ChartEventModule,然后关闭属性窗口。
  6. 将以下代码粘贴到ChartEventModule窗口中:

ChartEventModule 代码:

Option Explicit

Dim chartEventClassModule As New chartEventClassModule
Private Const chartSheet = "Sheet1"
Private Const chartNumber = 1

Sub RecalculateXAxisTitlePosition()
    Dim chart As chart, plot As PlotArea, axis As axis, title As AxisTitle, titleXPos As Double, titleYPos As Double

    Set chart = Worksheets(chartSheet).ChartObjects(chartNumber).chart
    Set plot = chart.PlotArea
    Set axis = chart.Axes(xlCategory) ' xlCategory is X axis, xlValue is Y axis

    ' If the X axis doesn't have a title, exit out
    If Not axis.HasTitle Then Exit Sub

    Set title = axis.AxisTitle

    ' Not necessary to set font size and text each time
    title.Text = "Verknadsgrad"
    title.Font.Size = 12

    ' .Position can be xlChartElementPositionAutomatic (-4105) or xlChartElementPositionCustom (-4114)
    title.Position = xlChartElementPositionCustom

    ' Without a title the plotarea top is 9
    ' With a title font size 12 the title height is 17.4, and the plotarea top is 26.4
    plot.Top = 9

    ' The PlotArea includes the axes.  The Y axis throws off our centering if we center based on the PlotArea.
    titleXPos = axis.Left + (axis.Width / 2) - (title.Width / 2)
    titleYPos = plot.Top + plot.Height

    title.Left = titleXPos
    title.Top = titleYPos

    ' This code sets the background fill to DiagonalDown, which ensures it goes exactly from corner to corner
    With plot.Format.Fill
        .Visible = msoTrue
        .TwoColorGradient Style:=msoGradientDiagonalDown, variant:=1
        ' Green color
        .ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 176, 0)
        ' Red color
        .BackColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
        ' Percentage to be fully red (<=15%)
        .GradientStops(1).Position = 0.15
        ' Percentage to be fully green (>=85%)
        .GradientStops(2).Position = 0.85
        ' Middle color (yellow), center point (50%), Transparency (0%), Point to insert into list of gradients (1)
        .GradientStops.Insert RGB(255, 255, 0), 0.5, 0, 1
    End With
End Sub

Sub Initialise()
    Set chartEventClassModule.myChart = Worksheets(chartSheet).ChartObjects(chartNumber).chart
End Sub


  1. 确保在代码顶部适当地chartSheet设置2 个常量。chartNumber
  2. 返回项目窗口,右键单击并创建一个Class Module
  3. 使用相同的属性窗口(F6),将名称设置为ChartEventClassModule
  4. 将以下代码粘贴到ChartEventClassModule窗口中:

ChartEventClassModule 代码:

Option Explicit

' https://msdn.microsoft.com/VBA/Excel-VBA/articles/using-events-with-embedded-charts
Public WithEvents myChart As chart

Private Sub myChart_Calculate()
    Call ChartEventModule.RecalculateXAxisTitlePosition
End Sub

Private Sub myChart_Resize()
    Call ChartEventModule.RecalculateXAxisTitlePosition
End Sub

Private Sub myChart_SeriesChange(ByVal SeriesIndex As Long, ByVal PointIndex As Long)
    Call ChartEventModule.RecalculateXAxisTitlePosition
End Sub


  1. 在项目窗口中双击ThisWorkbook,然后粘贴以下代码:


Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub
  1. 将工作簿另存为宏启用工作簿(.xlsm)。关闭并重新打开工作簿。

瞧! 现在,对图表数据、系列或大小的任何更改都会触发一个事件,导致其重新计算轴标题位置:最终的 Excel 图表图像
