后台函数中的 bash trap

后台函数中的 bash trap

在后台调用脚本中的函数 - 使用“&”,在 中调用该函数subshell。当函数结束时,subshell结束,并带有退出状态。我想捕获此类退出信号subshell以自动取消日志文件。我的测试脚本如下:

$ cat mscript.sh 
#!/usr/bin/env sh

rm -f $mout

# My testing log files
tmps=(first.tmp second.tmp third.tmp)

# Traps exit signal to delete the logfile upon exiting.
mtrap_tmp() {
  local ftmp="$1"
  # I create the tep file here:
  echo "init $ftmp" &>> $ftmp
  echo -e "\n($BASHPID) trapping \"$ftmp\"..." &>> $mout
  ## Here I trap the signal, to delete the temporary file.
  trap "rm -f \"$ftmp\"" EXIT
  echo -e "  trapped tmp file \"$ftmp\" to rm" &>> $mout
  echo "  $(ls -l $ftmp)" &>> $mout

# I trap the first and second log files within the script's pid. 
# Then I trap the third file in a subshell:
mtrap_tmp ${tmps[0]}
mtrap_tmp ${tmps[1]}
mtrap_tmp ${tmps[2]} &
wait $!

# Here I want to check the temp files do exist. 
# I expect the third file to be trapped in a subshell, 
# and hence to be non-existent once the subshell ends, 
# which should have happened after the `wait $!`:

for i in ${tmps[@]}; do
  echo -e "\nfinal check $i:" &>> $mout
  ls -l ${i} &>> $mout

echo "done"
exit 0 


$  cat log.out 

(10598) trapping "first.tmp"...
  trapped tmp file "first.tmp" to rm
  -rw-rw-r-- 1 anadin ctgb 15 Jul  4 15:54 first.tmp

(10598) trapping "second.tmp"...
  trapped tmp file "second.tmp" to rm
  -rw-rw-r-- 1 anadin ctgb 16 Jul  4  2017 second.tmp

(10602) trapping "third.tmp"...
  trapped tmp file "third.tmp" to rm
  -rw-rw-r-- 1 anadin ctgb 15 Jul  4  2017 third.tmp

final check first.tmp:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 anadin ctgb 15 Jul  4 15:54 first.tmp

final check second.tmp:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 anadin ctgb 16 Jul  4 15:54 second.tmp

final check third.tmp:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 anadin ctgb 15 Jul  4 15:54 third.tmp

我期望third.tmp在脚本结束之前删除该文件。奇怪的是,只有第二个.tmp 文件被取消了:

$ ls *.tmp
first.tmp  third.tmp




由于第三个陷阱是在子 shell 中创建的,因此它也会在以下情况下被激活/运行:shell 退出,试图在创建第三个文件之前将其删除。因此,脚本完成后第三个文件仍然存在。

每次trap […] SIGNAL覆写该信号的陷阱,因此只有第二个陷阱在顶层 shell 中仍然存在。因此,脚本完成后,第一个文件仍然存在。

echo陷阱中的或可能更好set -o xtrace地向您展示正在发生的事情。您也可以trap单独运行它来查看哪些陷阱有效。
