如何解释 Accuraterip 验证的输出?

如何解释 Accuraterip 验证的输出?

使用以下方式验证 CD 翻录准确破解可以做到在 Linux 上使用arverify来自cdrip 工具打包为这个问题解释。但是,我很难找到任何文档来解释此过程产生的输出。


Calculated CRCv1    : D3293E04             
Calculated CRCv2    : 9CE51529             
Calculated CRC450   : A0D2A24A             
Database entry      : CRC: ABEBB4B7, Confidence:  76, CRC450: 7160BA39
Database entry      : CRC: 11405B1F, Confidence:  27, CRC450: 389F7025
Database entry      : CRC: E82F596A, Confidence:  21, CRC450: A64BF887
Database entry      : CRC: 88BCC481, Confidence:  16, CRC450: 4231C09D
Database entry      : CRC: 56A0A258, Confidence:   5, CRC450: 52CF62C1
Database entry      : CRC: 851CDA29, Confidence:   3, CRC450: A127235F
Database entry      : CRC: 96341314, Confidence:   2, CRC450: 3AA482F3
Database entry      : CRC: 788D6152, Confidence:   2, CRC450: 00000000
Database entry      : CRC: 77A373E0, Confidence:   2, CRC450: 00000000
Accurately ripped with offset 96 (confidence 27+27/154)                     
Accurately ripped with offset -598 (confidence 2+2/154)
Accurately ripped with offset 84 (confidence 21+21/154)
Possibly accurately ripped with offset 16 (confidence 2/154)
Possibly accurately ripped with offset 96 (confidence 76+76/154)
Possibly accurately ripped with offset -598 (confidence 21+21/154)
Possibly accurately ripped with offset 84 (confidence 27+27/154)
Possibly accurately ripped with offset 106 (confidence 5/154)
17/17 Accurately ripped with offset 84 (confidence 42)
17/17 Accurately ripped with offset 96 (confidence 54)
17/17 Accurately ripped with offset -598 (confidence 4)
17/17 Possibly accurately ripped with offset -598 (confidence 42)
17/17 Possibly accurately ripped with offset 16 (confidence 2)
17/17 Possibly accurately ripped with offset 84 (confidence 54)
17/17 Possibly accurately ripped with offset 96 (confidence 158)
17/17 Possibly accurately ripped with offset 106 (confidence 5)


具体来说,我不明白为什么计算 CRC值不匹配数据库条目在这些数据库条目中,信心值?(该 CRC 的匹配数 = 报告与我相同 CRC 的人数)?

另外,是什么confidence 27+27/154意思?

我认为 154 是列出的总数信心列出的数据库条目的值(76+27+21+16+5+3+2+2+2=154)大概是数据库中样本的总数。

我认为 27 是与我的驱动器 (96) 偏移量相同的匹配项数,并且表示其中 27 个匹配。这是对的吗?



17/17 Accurately ripped with offset 96 (confidence 54)

我之所以选择那行,是因为我的驱动器偏移量是 96。我猜这是在告诉我,其他 54 个人(他们的驱动器偏移量与我的相同)以相同的方式翻录了 17 个曲目。我由此推断我的翻录效果很好。




上面的翻录是一个没有样品偏移校正下面是另一个使用正确样本偏移(本例中为 96)执行的准确翻录评估示例:

Calculated CRCv1    : B75C614C
Calculated CRCv2    : DEB788B6
Accurately ripped (confidence 105+101/307)
Accurately ripped with offset -29 (confidence 18+18/307)
Accurately ripped with offset -628 (confidence 20+20/307)
Accurately ripped with offset -947 (confidence 18+18/307)
Possibly accurately ripped with offset -29 (confidence 101+101/307)
Possibly accurately ripped with offset -628 (confidence 20+20/307)
Possibly accurately ripped with offset -947 (confidence 20+20/307)
11/11 Accurately ripped (confidence 213)
11/11 Accurately ripped with offset -29 (confidence 40)
11/11 Accurately ripped with offset -628 (confidence 42)
11/11 Accurately ripped with offset -947 (confidence 38)
11/11 Possibly accurately ripped with offset -947 (confidence 42)
11/11 Possibly accurately ripped with offset -628 (confidence 40)


11/11 Accurately ripped (confidence 213)

它反映了 accuraterip 与 rip 具有相同偏移量的匹配(在本例中为 96,但未显示)。这条线报告了翻录的总体准确性并且,在这种情况下,其他 213 份校验和报告与我们的相符。


Calculated CRCv1    : AF3854B4
Calculated CRCv2    : F5401F9C
Accurately ripped with offset 96 (confidence 101+101/307)
Accurately ripped with offset 67 (confidence 18+18/307)
Accurately ripped with offset -532 (confidence 20+20/307)
Accurately ripped with offset -851 (confidence 18+18/307)
Possibly accurately ripped with offset 96 (confidence 105+105/307)
Possibly accurately ripped with offset 67 (confidence 101+101/307)
Possibly accurately ripped with offset -532 (confidence 20+20/307)
Possibly accurately ripped with offset -851 (confidence 20+20/307)
11/11 Accurately ripped with offset 67 (confidence 40)
11/11 Accurately ripped with offset 96 (confidence 210)
11/11 Accurately ripped with offset -532 (confidence 42)
11/11 Accurately ripped with offset -851 (confidence 38)
11/11 Possibly accurately ripped with offset -851 (confidence 42)
11/11 Possibly accurately ripped with offset -532 (confidence 40)
11/11 Possibly accurately ripped with offset 67 (confidence 210)
11/11 Possibly accurately ripped with offset 96 (confidence 216)

这里没有没有偏移的行。您还会注意到,两个计算出的 CRC 值(有两个,因为 Accuraterip 有两个版本的 CRC)与上面的不同。



可以使用不同的软件(例如ABCDE或者鞭子在 Linux 上,只要使用正确的样本偏移量即可。
