安装 Guest Additions iso VirtualBox 后图标太小

安装 Guest Additions iso VirtualBox 后图标太小

将 Guest Additions CD 映像下载到 VirtualBox 上的 Ubuntu VM 后,屏幕将变为全屏但图标和UI布局都很小。它们没有适当的尺寸-(高度宽度)比例。如下所示,文件图标右侧和下方有一大块空白区域。






Open the Activities overview and start typing Settings.

Click on Settings.

Click Devices in the sidebar.

Click Displays in the sidebar to open the panel.

If you have multiple displays and they are not mirrored, you can have different settings on each display. Select a display in the preview area.

Select the resolution or scale, and choose the orientation.

Click Apply. The new settings will be applied for 20 seconds before reverting back. That way, if you cannot see anything with the new settings, your old settings will be automatically restored. If you are happy with the new settings, click Keep Changes.
