如何将 Adob​​e Connect 视频下载为 mp4 或加快收听速度?

如何将 Adob​​e Connect 视频下载为 mp4 或加快收听速度?

如何将 Adob​​e Connect 视频下载为 mp4 或加快收听速度?


  1. 以某种方式破解我的电脑,以便通过加快 CPU 中的时间流逝或为 Chrome Flash Player 应用程序做其他事情来加快视频播放速度。我认为这至少对于视频来说是可能的,对于声音,我希望这不会改变它的音调。我的操作系统是基于 Debian 的 Linux 版本。

  2. 屏幕记录整个过程,但这仍然很繁琐,因为它需要我有一台专用的计算机来运行它,我无法同时做其他事情。

  3. 使用现有的/output/filename.zip?download=zip黑客方法下载视频,即将其附加到 URL。但这会导致一个 zip 文件充满 17 个(或更多)包含分离音频和视频的烦人文件.flv.xml文件。我搜索了一个工具来将它们转换回常规视频,但我没有找到任何有用的工具。我发现这些烦人且烦人的文件与浏览器缓存中已下载用于播放的文件相同。

  4. 要求每位教授解锁 mp4 下载,例如允许使用/output/filename.mp4?download=mp4download=mp4不是苛刻的 zip 文件。但我担心这会要求他们在管理设置中允许任何人公开访问他们的视频,所以我不确定这对他们来说是否是一个选择。


假设 Adob​​e Connect ID 为 p6vwxp2d0c2f,即 URL 为https://my.adobeconnect.com/p6vwxp2d0c2f。正如您在问题中提到的,您可以/output/p6vwxp2d0c2f.zip?download=zip在 URL 末尾添加下载一些包含大量音频和视频文件以及一些 .xml 文件的 zip 存档。例如,https://my.adobeconnect.com/p6vwxp2d0c2e/output/p6vwxp2d0c2e.zip?download=zip可能包含:

 Directory of C:\Users\[...]\p6vwxp2d0c2f

02/09/2019  11:27 AM    <DIR>          .
02/09/2019  11:27 AM    <DIR>          ..
02/09/2019  11:00 AM        52,239,473 cameraVoip_1_11.flv
02/09/2019  11:00 AM         1,364,573 cameraVoip_1_11.xml
02/09/2019  11:00 AM         7,176,904 cameraVoip_1_15.flv
02/09/2019  11:00 AM           188,012 cameraVoip_1_15.xml
02/09/2019  11:00 AM             6,004 cameraVoip_1_3.flv
02/09/2019  11:00 AM             1,698 cameraVoip_1_3.xml
02/09/2019  11:00 AM        62,603,505 cameraVoip_1_7.flv
02/09/2019  11:00 AM         1,625,383 cameraVoip_1_7.xml
02/09/2019  11:00 AM             2,249 ftcontent1.flv
02/09/2019  11:00 AM             8,219 ftcontent1.xml
02/09/2019  11:00 AM            25,685 ftcontent13.flv
02/09/2019  11:00 AM            85,464 ftcontent13.xml
02/09/2019  11:00 AM           199,781 ftcontent5.flv
02/09/2019  11:00 AM           657,091 ftcontent5.xml
02/09/2019  11:00 AM           182,297 ftcontent9.flv
02/09/2019  11:00 AM           601,758 ftcontent9.xml
02/09/2019  11:00 AM             1,354 fttitle0.flv
02/09/2019  11:00 AM             3,272 fttitle0.xml
02/09/2019  11:00 AM             1,354 fttitle12.flv
02/09/2019  11:00 AM             3,298 fttitle12.xml
02/09/2019  11:00 AM             1,354 fttitle4.flv
02/09/2019  11:00 AM             3,290 fttitle4.xml
02/09/2019  11:00 AM             1,354 fttitle8.flv
02/09/2019  11:00 AM             3,298 fttitle8.xml
02/09/2019  11:00 AM         1,815,158 indexstream.flv
02/09/2019  11:00 AM         7,703,603 indexstream.xml
02/09/2019  11:00 AM         5,316,597 mainstream.flv
02/09/2019  11:00 AM        21,259,001 mainstream.xml
02/09/2019  11:00 AM       217,448,561 screenshare_2_10.flv
02/09/2019  11:01 AM         1,364,572 screenshare_2_10.xml
02/09/2019  11:01 AM        32,364,457 screenshare_2_14.flv
02/09/2019  11:01 AM           188,011 screenshare_2_14.xml
02/09/2019  11:01 AM           387,981 screenshare_2_2.flv
02/09/2019  11:01 AM             1,698 screenshare_2_2.xml
02/09/2019  11:01 AM       237,470,572 screenshare_2_6.flv
02/09/2019  11:01 AM         1,625,385 screenshare_2_6.xml
02/09/2019  11:01 AM                48 telephony-files.xml
02/09/2019  11:01 AM               691 transcriptstream.flv
02/09/2019  11:01 AM             2,391 transcriptstream.xml
              39 File(s)    653,935,396 bytes
               2 Dir(s)   1,590,358,016 bytes free
  • 摄像头Voip__.xml 包含音频和网络摄像头(如果有)。
  • 屏幕共享__.xml 包含音频和网络摄像头(如果有)。

要合并它们,你可以使用ffmpeg(我ffmpeg从 Oliver Wang / Yannick Hold-Geoffroy / Aaron Hertzmann 那里获取了命令):

ffmpeg -i cameraVoip_1_11.flv -i screenshare_2_10.flv -c copy -map 0:a:0 -map 1:v:0 -shortest output.flv


  • -map 0:a:0:映射第一个输入文件仅用于音频。
  • -map 1:v:0:映射第二个输入文件仅用于视频。
  • -shortest:如果 cameraVoip_1_11.flv 和 screenshare_2_10.flv 的长度不一样,则剪切音频或视频。


ffmpeg -i cameraVoip_1_11.flv -i screenshare_2_10.flv  \
                         -filter_complex \
                         "color=s=1072x480:c=black [base]; [0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=640x480 [upperleft]; [1:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=432x240 [upperright]; [base][upperleft] overlay=shortest=1 [tmp1]; [tmp1][upperright] overlay=shortest=1:x=640" \
                         -c:v libx264 -c:a mp2 output.mkv

关于映射摄像头Voip__.xml 到正确的 screenshare__.xml,如果有多个:

你可以看看摄像头Voip__.xml / 屏幕共享__.xml 获取音频/屏幕共享视频开始的时间戳。这允许映射屏幕共享__.xml 具有正确的 cameraVoip__.xml。

例如,在https://my.adobeconnect.com/p6vwxp2d0c2f/output/p6vwxp2d0c2f.zip?download=zip,来自 cameraVoip_1_11.xml,第 21 行:

<String><![CDATA[Thu Feb 07 21:11:23 2019]]></String>

否则,另一种方法可能是对 cameraVoip_ 进行排序_.xml / 屏幕共享__.xml,然后映射第一个摄像头Voip__.xml 与第一个 screenshare__.xml,第二个摄像头Voip__.xml 与第一个 screenshare__.xml 等。我不知道它在某些情况下是否会中断(对于我看过的几个 Adob​​e Connect 录音来说似乎没问题,但也许是因为人们总是共享屏幕)。

我编写了一些 Python 脚本来自动化这个过程(代码库:https://github.com/Franck-Dernoncourt/adobe-connect-video-downloader):

- python 2.7 or 3
- wget, unzip, and ffmpeg accessible from command line.

python connect2vid_v2.py https://my.adobeconnect.com/pqc06mcawjgn/  --output_filename=" Understanding how the Network impacts your service"

Please email Franck Dernoncourt <[email protected]> if you improve this code.

import shlex
import subprocess
import os
import glob
import argparse
import sys
import re

def run_command(command):
    print('running command: {0}'.format(command))
    process = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    while True:
        output = process.stdout.readline()
        if output == b'' and process.poll() is not None:
            print('Done running the command.')
        if output:
    rc = process.poll()
    return rc

def create_folder_if_not_exists(directory):
    Create the folder if it doesn't exist already.
    if not os.path.exists(directory):

def extract_connect_id(parser, args):
    Function written by Aaron Hertzmann
    # ----- extract the connectID or ZIP file  -----

    if len(args.URLorIDorZIP) < 1:
    #    print('Error: No Connect recording URL provided.')

    if args.URLorIDorZIP[0][-4:].lower() == '.zip':
        sourceZIP = args.URLorIDorZIP[0]
        connectID = os.path.basename(sourceZIP[:-4])
    elif len(args.URLorIDorZIP[0]) == 12:
        connectID = args.URLorIDorZIP[0]
        s = args.URLorIDorZIP[0].split('/')
        connectID = None
        for i in range(len(s)-1):
            if 'adobeconnect.com' in s[i]:
                connectID = s[i+1]
        if connectID == None:
            print("Error: couldn't parse URL")

    return connectID

def main():
    This is the main function

    # ================ parse the arguments (part of the parsing code was written by Aaron Hertzmann) ======================

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Download an Adobe Connect recording and convert to a video file.')
    parser.add_argument('URLorIDorZIP', nargs='*', help='URL, code, or ZIP file for the Connect recording')
    parser.add_argument('--output_folder',default='output_videos',help='Folder for output files')
    parser.add_argument('--output_filename',default='noname', help='output_filename')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    #main_output_folder = "all_videos"
    main_output_folder = args.output_folder
    output_filename = args.output_filename
    output_filename =  re.sub(r'[^\w\s]','', output_filename)
    output_filename = output_filename.replace('@', '').strip()
    print('output_filename: {0}'.format(output_filename))
    connect_id = 'pul1pgdvpr87'
    connect_id = 'p6vwxp2d0c2f'
    connect_id = extract_connect_id(parser, args)
    video_filename = 'hello'
    video_filename = output_filename

    # ================ Download video  ======================
    output_folder = connect_id
    output_zip_filename = '{0}.zip'.format(connect_id)

    # Step 1: retrieve audio and video files
    connect_zip_url = 'https://my.adobeconnect.com/{0}/output/{0}.zip?download=zip'.format(connect_id)
    wget_command = 'wget -nc -O {1} {0}'.format(connect_zip_url, output_zip_filename) # -nc, --no-clobber: skip downloads that would download to existing files.
    unzip_command = 'unzip -n {0} -d {1}'.format(output_zip_filename, output_folder) # -n: Unzip only newer files.

    # Step 2: create final video output
    cameraVoip_filepaths = []
    for filepaths in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(output_folder, 'cameraVoip_*.flv'))):
    print('cameraVoip_filepaths: {0}'.format(cameraVoip_filepaths))

    screenshare_filepaths = []
    for filepaths in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(output_folder, 'screenshare_*.flv'))):

    part = 0
    output_filepaths = []
    for cameraVoip_filepath, screenshare_filepath in zip(cameraVoip_filepaths, screenshare_filepaths):
        output_filepath = os.path.join(main_output_folder, '{0}_{1:04d}.flv'.format(video_filename, part))
        #output_filepath = '{0}_{1:04d}.flv'.format(video_filename, part)
        # ffmpeg command from Oliver Wang / Yannick Hold-Geoffroy / Aaron Hertzmann
        conversion_command = 'ffmpeg -i "%s" -i "%s" -c copy -map 0:a:0 -map 1:v:0 -shortest -y "%s"'%(cameraVoip_filepath, screenshare_filepath, output_filepath)
        # -y: override output file if exists
        part += 1

    # Concatenate all videos into one single video
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7333232/how-to-concatenate-two-mp4-files-using-ffmpeg
    video_list_filename = 'video_list.txt'
    video_list_file = open(video_list_filename, 'w')
    for output_filepath in output_filepaths:
        video_list_file.write("file '{0}'\n".format(output_filepath))
    final_output_filepath = '{0}.flv'.format(video_filename)
    # ffmpeg command from Oliver Wang / Yannick Hold-Geoffroy / Aaron Hertzmann
    conversion_command = 'ffmpeg -safe 0 -y -f concat -i "{1}" -c copy "{0}"'.format(final_output_filepath, video_list_filename)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #cProfile.run('main()') # if you want to do some profiling
