如何找到阻止 Windows 计算机远程关机的原因?

如何找到阻止 Windows 计算机远程关机的原因?

我们有 Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 计算机,我们使用从 Linux 服务器重新启动net rpc shutdown -f -r -I {ip_address} -U user%password。通常这可以正常工作。但是,有时计算机收到请求并且不会关闭。我在日志中找不到任何表明取消关闭的原因的信息。以下是事件日志:

The process wininit.exe ( has initiated the restart of computer server on behalf of user server\user for the following reason: Legacy API shutdown
 Reason Code: 0x80070000
 Shutdown Type: restart
 Comment: This machine will be shutdown shortly
