

I was recently trying to transfer some files from my "Downloads" folder on my Win 10 laptop to my android phone using "ES file explorer". I followed instructions from here https://android.stackexchange.com/questions/83427/can-not-connect-to-pc-from-android-via-es-explorer which recommended to turn off "password protected sharing" under "Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center\Advanced sharing settings". My laptop is password protected. I was then able to transfer files to and from the laptop. My question is, could anyone else on the network have accessed my folder? I have also noticed that "Public folder sharing" was turned off. So if "Public folder sharing" was turned off, how could my android phone have accessed the files in the "downloads" folder? I am not very familiar with networking and am a little concerned if any of my data has been compromised. I have now re-enabled "password protected sharing" and when I tried logging in using ES file explorer it asked me for the computer username and password.


Yes, by disabling Password Protected Sharing, you are effectively adding guest access to your shares.

per MS (https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc772566(v=ws.10).aspx



公用文件夹共享是 Windows 中的一项特定功能,它会自动为所有可以访问该 PC 的计算机和用户共享公共配置文件(通常位于 c:\users\public)。


公用文件夹共享。启用此选项会将 c:\users\public 文件夹共享为 \computername\public。您可以选择仅以读取权限或以完全读/写权限共享文件夹。如果要更改分配给此文件夹的权限,可以使用“高级共享”功能(在每个文件夹的“共享”选项卡上可用)来调整授予权限的用户和组。启用公用文件夹共享会自动启用文件共享。


  • 禁用家庭组
  • 启用密码保护共享
  • 禁用公开共享
  • 使用高级共享来创建我的每个共享。

我将共享权限设置为“所有人”=>“完全控制”,然后锁定文件系统权限,只允许特定用户查看内容。这是 MS 推荐的,因为如果您在另一个共享磁盘上共享内容,并重建系统,则您对共享项目的文件系统权限将保持原样。但是,如果您将所有访问控制逻辑都放在共享权限中,那么当操作系统实例被新版本替换时,这些权限就会丢失。
