How to browse local hard disk through file manager in Debox live cd?

How to browse local hard disk through file manager in Debox live cd?

I just made a Debox live CD to transfer files from my hard drive to a USB stick. I can access the USB storage in the media folder, but I'm unable to find the local hard drive. How can I access it?


Download "Ultimate Boot CD" and install on usb or disc. From there boot into from start of Device, run "Partition Magic". From there can transfer files from disc to disc.


most likely deboxOS in the format of the liveCD does not support the NTFS of your Windows 7. Try installing the package ntfs-3g (if you have the Internet in Debox OS) and to mount the necessary partitions. If you are logged in as a user, open the terminal and run the command

sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g

on the password request, answer root (the password will not be visible)

Identifying partition with NTFS file system

fdisk -l | grep ntfs

Determine which partition you need (sda1, sda2, or sdbX) and mount it

sudo mkdir /mnt/ntfs 

sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /mnt/ntfs

Now we can access NTFS partition and its files with read write access.

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