如何在 Excel 中使用 4 个不同的值切换整个列中的单元格

如何在 Excel 中使用 4 个不同的值切换整个列中的单元格

我们如何创建一个 VBA 代码,以便我们可以在一列中任何给定单元格的 4 个值之间切换,并且在单击该单元格后不会单击进入任何“编辑”模式?

这 4 个值分别是:Y、N、L 和 G。

我能收集到的唯一代码(如下所示)是有问题的,因为它在单击时进入编辑模式,并且它不允许我使用相同的 VBA 代码对整个列执行切换单元格功能:在此处输入图片描述

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)

If Target.Row <> 1 Then Exit Sub

Select Case UCase(Target.Value)

    Case Is = "Y"

        Target.Value = "N"

    Case Is = "N"

        Target.Value = "L"

    Case Is = "L"
        Target.Value = "G"

    Case Is = "G"
        Target.Value = "Y"

End Select

End Sub

----- 感谢回复!请参阅附图。这个想法是为了能够切换任何特色项目的状态。状态列位于 L 列,我需要它在 YNLG 之间切换,而不是使用任何下拉列表。




Option Explicit

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)

    Const MIN_ROW = 4   'Column Header (Status) is on row 4
    Const COL_L = 12

    If Target.CountLarge = 1 Then           'If a single cell is selected
        If Target.Column = COL_L Then       'If selected cell is in col L
            If Target.Row > MIN_ROW Then    'If selected cell row is 5 or higher
                With Me
                    Dim lr As Long, arr As Variant, i As Long
                    lr = .Cells(Rows.Count, COL_L).End(xlUp).Row  'Last used row in col L
                    If lr > MIN_ROW Then
                        arr = .Range(.Cells(MIN_ROW + 1, COL_L), .Cells(lr, COL_L))
                        For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
                            Select Case UCase(arr(i, 1))
                                Case Is = "Y":  arr(i, 1) = "N"
                                Case Is = "N":  arr(i, 1) = "L"
                                Case Is = "L":  arr(i, 1) = "G"
                                Case Is = "G":  arr(i, 1) = "Y"
                            End Select
                        .Range(.Cells(MIN_ROW + 1, COL_L), .Cells(lr, COL_L)) = arr
                    End If
                End With
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub


您可以尝试这个 VBA 代码,我在将它发布到这里之前已经对它进行了测试,并且它可以运行。

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

 If ActiveCell = Range("A2") Then

    If ActiveCell.Value = "Y" Then
      ActiveCell.Value = "N"

        ElseIf ActiveCell.Value = "N" Then
          ActiveCell.Value = "L"

          ElseIf ActiveCell.Value = "L" Then
           ActiveCell.Value = "G"

      ElseIf ActiveCell.Value = "G" Then
          ActiveCell.Value = "Y"

       End If
End If

End Sub

注意:写入 Y(大写)并按 Enter 结束。然后,无论何时放置单元格指针或单击单元格 A2,值都会从 Y 变为 N,再变为 L,再变为 G,再变为 Y。

