Applescript 如何打开音频 MIDI 设置的网络窗口

Applescript 如何打开音频 MIDI 设置的网络窗口

我正在尝试编写一个 Applescript 来使用创建网络音频连接音频 MIDI 设置/应用程序/实用程序/音频 MIDI 设置.app)。我无法打开网络设置窗口。似乎有一个图像,我必须单击它才能打开网络窗口。


    tell application "System Events"
        tell process "Audio MIDI Setup"
            set {xPos, yPos} to position of image 1 of group 1 of scroll area 1 of window "MIDI Studio"
        end tell
    end tell

    tell me to do shell script "/usr/bin/cliclick c:" & xPos & "," & yPos
    click at {xPos, yPos} --image "Network" of group 1 of scroll area 1 of window "MIDI Studio"
    delay 0.1
    --click image "Network" of group 1 of scroll area 1 of window "MIDI Studio"


你是对的,你提到的图像有一个与之关联的 AppleScript 操作,它应该打开MIDI 网络设置窗口,但实际上,它什么也不做。

因此,作为一种解决方法,打开MIDI 网络设置窗口,试试这个:

    tell application "Audio MIDI Setup" to activate

    tell application "System Events" to tell process "Audio MIDI Setup" 
        (******************Variable declarations for GUI objects*******************)
        set _W to a reference to (every window whose ¬
            description contains "floating window" and ¬
            name is not "MIDI Network Setup")
        set select_all_menu_item to ¬
            a reference to menu item "Select All" of ¬
                menu 1 of ¬
                menu bar item "Edit" of ¬
                menu bar 1
        set show_midi_studio_menu_item to ¬
            a reference to menu item "Show MIDI Studio" of ¬
                menu 1 of ¬
                menu bar item "Window" of ¬
                menu bar 1
        set midi_studio_window to a reference to window "MIDI Studio"
        set midi_studio_toolbar to a reference to toolbar 1 of midi_studio_window
        set midi_studio_images to a reference to images of ¬
            group 1 of ¬
            scroll area 1 of ¬
        set show_info_button to a reference to (the first button of ¬
            midi_studio_toolbar whose description is "Show Info")
        (**********************End of variable declarations************************)

        if not (midi_studio_window exists) then click show_midi_studio_menu_item
        tell midi_studio_window to perform action "AXRaise" -- bring window to front

        if the front window is midi_studio_window then
            tell select_all_menu_item to if it exists then click it
            --OR: keystroke "a" using command down

            if the show_info_button is enabled then
                click the show_info_button
                click (every button of _W whose subrole is "AXCloseButton")

                tell window "MIDI Network Setup" to perform action "AXRaise"
            end if
        end if
    end tell



我无法让你的脚本工作,它没有打开“MIDI 网络设置”窗口,我不得不在下面的行中将“描述”更改为“标题”,将 show_info_button 设置为对(¬ midi_studio_toolbar 的第一个按钮,其描述为“显示信息”)的引用


该脚本正在执行以下任务:告诉应用程序“音频 MIDI 设置”激活告诉应用程序“系统事件”告诉进程“音频 MIDI 设置”告诉菜单栏 1 的菜单项 2 菜单栏 1 的项“窗口”

        if name is "Show MIDI Studio" then click

    end tell
end tell
tell process "Audio MIDI Setup"
    set {xPos, yPos} to position of image "Network (Online)" of group 1 of  scroll area 1 of window "MIDI Studio"
    do shell script "/usr/local/bin/cliclick  dc:" & xPos & "," & yPos & ""
end tell

结束告诉告诉应用程序“音频 MIDI 设置”退出
