使用 VBA 识别 Excel 单元格中字符串的字数

使用 VBA 识别 Excel 单元格中字符串的字数

我有一个单元格,里面有文本“我今天赚了 14 美元,昨天赚了 13 美元”。
使用 Excel 中的 VBA,如何将其转换为“我今天赚了 11.33 欧元,昨天赚了 10.52 欧元”?

想法:根据文本中空格的位置,VBA 可以:

   a) identify the word order of each word within the cell [ex. '14' is word 
      3, 'dollars' is word 4] 
   b) identify whether the following word was 'dollars' and 
   c) if so, multiply the previous word times the conversion factor of .81. 



如果您使用转换率查找表,则不需要 VBA。

如果您要使用 VBA,我的想法是“将其变得更好”,并拉低最新的转换率。或者您可以使用特定日期来做到这一点,具体取决于您从哪里获取数据。

通过这一工作还将扩展您对 VBA 可能性的了解。

以下是使用特定网站最新数据的示例,但还有很多其他数据。对于这个,API 密钥是免费的。您必须自己申请。

'Set reference to Microsoft winHTTP Services 5.0
'You'll need to install a JSON converter, or perhaps parse the csv output
'You could also parse this simple JSON using Regular Expressions
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Function ConvertInText(S As String) As String
    Dim V As Variant, W As Variant
    Dim DT As Date
    Dim I As Long

V = Split(S, " ")
For I = 0 To UBound(V)
    If V(I) = "Dollars" Then
        V(I) = "Euros"
        V(I - 1) = Format(USDtoEUR(CCur(V(I - 1))), "0.00")
    End If
Next I

ConvertInText = Join(V)
End Function

Private Function USDtoEUR(DOL As Currency) As Currency
    Const myAPI As String = "apikey=xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    Const sURL As String = "https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_RATE&from_currency=USD&to_currency=EUR&"
    Dim httpRequest As WinHttpRequest
    Dim strJSON As String, JSON As Object

Set httpRequest = New WinHttpRequest
With httpRequest
    .Open "Get", sURL & myAPI
    strJSON = .ResponseText
End With
Set httpRequest = Nothing

Set JSON = parsejson(strJSON)

USDtoEUR = JSON("Realtime Currency Exchange Rate")("5. Exchange Rate") * DOL

End Function



您可以通过命令按钮或宏尝试此 VBA 代码。

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

i = 8

str1 = Range("A2").Value

str1 = Mid(str1, 1, i - 1) & Replace(str1, "14 dollars today and 13 dollars", "11.33 euros today and 10.52 euros", Start:=i)

Range("A4").Value = str1

End Sub

