我需要在 17 个 .txt 文件中查找 60 个唯一值。这通常是一个简单的“查找”和复制,当我一次收到一个或两个值时,这显然不适合这么大的列表。
电子表格中有大约 60 个帐号。我需要在 17 个 .txt 文件中的一个中找到每个帐号,这样我就可以将该帐号行复制到另一个 .txt 文件中进行编辑/完成。.txt 文件位于 ftp 存档中,因此我必须小心不要更改 .txt 文件,尽管如果需要,我可以将它们复制到 excel。
创建一个名为的文件夹账户并以 .vbs 扩展名保存该脚本。
在帐户文件夹中创建一个名为输入. 将所有要搜索的账户文件复制到输入文件夹,它们都应该是.txt 文件,否则将被忽略。
' find all occurrances of an account number in a number of files
' place all account txt files into input folder
' accounts_found.txt is created if it is missing
' by 'Robert' 2017 - hereby placed into the Public Domain
' set some Constants here
Const ForRead = 1
Const ForWrite = 2
Const ForAppend = 8
Const OverWrite = True
Const NoOverWrite = False
Dim acct_num_list(100) ' max records for the array, num_accounts variable counts them anyway
inputFolderName = "input\" ' the folder where the txt files are
outputFileName = "accounts_found.txt" ' the output file for matched records
accountsFileName = "account_numbers.txt" ' the file which contains account numbers to search for
' = = = Start of Code = = =
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set outFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(outputFileName, ForWrite, OverWrite)
Set objInputFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(inputFolderName)
Set sFileCollection = objInputFolder.Files
Set accounts_file = objFSO.OpenTextFile(accountsFileName, ForRead)
num_accounts = 0
DO While Not accounts_file.AtEndOfStream
acct_num_list(num_accounts) = accounts_file.ReadLine
num_accounts = num_accounts + 1
For Each objFile in sFileCollection
If UCASE(objFSO.GetExtensionName(objFile)) = "TXT" then
Set sourceFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(inputFolderName & objFile.Name, ForRead)
Do While Not sourceFile.AtEndOfStream
curr_line = sourceFile.ReadLine
For counter = 0 to num_accounts
if instr(1, curr_line, acct_num_list(counter),1) >= 1 then
outFile.WriteLine curr_line
End If
End If
' = = = End Of File = = =