我正在尝试在运行 Linux 版本 4.4.178+ 的 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 计算机上安装 F2FS 文件系统。当我尝试运行时:
sudo mkfs.f2fs /dev/sda2
F2Fs-tools: mkfs.f2fs Ver: 1.12.0 (2018-11-12)
Info: Disable heap-based policy
Info: Debug level = 0
Info: Label = FirstTry
Info: Trim is enabled
Info: [/dev/sda2] Disk Model: VBPX HARDDISK
Info: Segments per section = 1
Info: Sections per zone = 1
Info: sector size = 512
Info: total sectors = 2 (0 MB)
Info: zone aligned segment0 blkaddr: 512
Error: Device size is not sufficient for F2FS volume
Error: Failed to prepare a super block!!!
Error: Could not format the device!!!
我相信这与扇区总数只有 2 个有关,但不知道如何改变它。任何帮助将不胜感激。