恢复 exFat 分区

恢复 exFat 分区

我一直在修复我的 bootcamp 分区,但在此过程中我犯了一个大错误。我在错误的磁盘上运行了“bootrec /fixmbr”和 bootrec /fixboot。我的数据现在无法访问,甚至丢失了。

我运行了 testdisk,它找到了一个分区,但没有看到任何文件。为了避免造成更多损失,我决定来这里。

在我运行这些命令之前,磁盘工作正常。它被格式化为 exFat。在尝试进一步操作之前,我正在备份分区。



diskutil list  
/dev/disk1 (internal, physical):
#:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER  
0:     FDisk_partition_scheme                        *750.2 GB   disk1  
1:               Windows_NTFS                         750.2 GB   disk1s1  

sudo gpt -r -vvvv show /dev/disk1  
gpt show: /dev/disk1: mediasize=750156374016; sectorsize=512; 
gpt show: /dev/disk1: MBR at sector 0  
gpt show: /dev/disk1: MBR part: type=7, start=2048, size=1465143296  
       start        size  index  contents  
           0           1         MBR  
           1        2047           
        2048  1465143296      1  MBR part 7  
  1465145344        3824 


Disk /dev/rdisk1 - 750 GB / 698 GiB - 1465149168 sectors
Current partition structure:
 Partition                  Start        End    Size in sectors

 1 * HPFS - NTFS                 2048 1465145343 1465143296

Warning: Bad starting sector (CHS and LBA don't match)


Warning: the current number of heads per cylinder is 1
but the correct value may be 128.
You can use the Geometry menu to change this value.
It's something to try if
- some partitions are not found by TestDisk
- or the partition table can not be written because partitions overlap.


  HPFS - NTFS                 2048 1465145343 1465143296
Invalid FAT boot sector
     0 D FAT16 >32M            1109994229 1865553126  755558898
         FAT16 >32M            1109994229 1865553126  755558898
