

我有一个 Excel 文件,我想让人们填写特定内容。如果行中的第一个单元格已填写,我想将行中的一系列单元格设置为必填。例如,如果单元格 A7 已填写,则单元格 B7-O7 也需要填写。这个过程会重复,直到 A 列中有一个单元格未填写。

我在这里尝试了一些不太好的 VBA 编码

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)

    If Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A7").Value <> "" And Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B7").Value = "" Or Range("C7").Value = "" Or Range("D7").Value = "" Or Range("E7").Value = "" Or Range("F7").Value = "" Or Range("G7").Value = "" Or Range("H7").Value = "" Or Range("I7").Value = "" Or Range("J7").Value = "" Or Range("K7").Value = "" Or Range("L7").Value = "" Or Range("M7").Value = "" Or Range("N7").Value = "" Or Range("O7").Value = "" Then
        MsgBox "Alla celler i en rad måste vara ifyllda för att du skall kunna spara. Kontrollera detta och spara igen."
        Cancel = True

    ElseIf Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A8").Value <> "" And Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B8").Value = "" Or Range("C8").Value = "" Or Range("D8").Value = "" Or Range("E8").Value = "" Or Range("F8").Value = "" Or Range("G8").Value = "" Or Range("H8").Value = "" Or Range("I8").Value = "" Or Range("J8").Value = "" Or Range("K8").Value = "" Or Range("L8").Value = "" Or Range("M8").Value = "" Or Range("N8").Value = "" Or Range("O8").Value = "" Then
        MsgBox "Alla celler i en rad måste vara ifyllda för att du skall kunna spara. Kontrollera detta och spara igen."
        Cancel = True

    ElseIf Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A9").Value <> "" And Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B9").Value = "" Or Range("C9").Value = "" Or Range("D9").Value = "" Or Range("E9").Value = "" Or Range("F9").Value = "" Or Range("G9").Value = "" Or Range("H9").Value = "" Or Range("I9").Value = "" Or Range("J9").Value = "" Or Range("K9").Value = "" Or Range("L9").Value = "" Or Range("M9").Value = "" Or Range("N9").Value = "" Or Range("O9").Value = "" Then
        MsgBox "Alla celler i en rad måste vara ifyllda för att du skall kunna spara. Kontrollera detta och spara igen."
        Cancel = True

    End If

End Sub


ElseIf Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A9").Value <> "" And Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B9").Value = "" Or Range("C9").Value = "" Or Range("D9").Value = "" Or Range("E9").Value = "" Or Range("F9").Value = "" Or Range("G9").Value = "" Or Range("H9").Value = "" Or Range("I9").Value = "" Or Range("J9").Value = "" Or Range("K9").Value = "" Or Range("L9").Value = "" Or Range("M9").Value = "" Or Range("N9").Value = "" Or Range("O9").Value = "" Then
    MsgBox "Alla celler i en rad måste vara ifyllda för att du skall kunna spara. Kontrollera detta och spara igen."
    Cancel = True
End If

然后即使 A9 没有填写,MsgBox 也会弹出。




cond1 And cond2 Or cond3 Or cond4如果或True中的一个(或两个)为 ,则始终会求值为。这是因为会在 之前求值。参见cond3cond4TrueAndOr文档了解更多信息。


cond1 And (cond2 Or cond3 Or cond4)

此表达式True仅当cond1 任何cond2, cond3, cond4都是True


  • 首先,阅读有关 VBA 中的循环。For ... NextDo ... Loop 是您需要了解的两种类型。
  • 然后,为了让事情更清楚一点(也就是说,让你的意图在代码中可见),把验证代码放入其自己的子程序/函数中。
  • 最后,为了让发生的事情更加明显,你可以拆分这些长链条件。

如果我们现在看一下该Workbook_BeforeSave过程,它在那里做什么并不明显(对你来说可能很明显,因为你刚刚把代码放在那里,它在你的脑海中还很新鲜 - 但在 3/6/12 个月后回到这张表,你首先需要了解它在做什么)。让我们来解决这个问题:

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)

    Cancel = IsUserInputMissing

End Sub

Private Function IsUserInputMissing() as Boolean

    ' Validation code goes in here

End Function



If Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A7").Value <> "" And Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B7").Value = "" Or Range("C7").Value = "" Or Range("D7").Value = "" Or Range("E7").Value = "" Or Range("F7").Value = "" Or Range("G7").Value = "" Or Range("H7").Value = "" Or Range("I7").Value = "" Or Range("J7").Value = "" Or Range("K7").Value = "" Or Range("L7").Value = "" Or Range("M7").Value = "" Or Range("N7").Value = "" Or Range("O7").Value = "" Then

看起来不太友好。逐字逐句地写着If FirstCellIsNotEmpty And AnyFollowingCellIsEmpty Then。让我们这样编码。

Dim FirstCellIsEmpty as Boolean
FirstCellIsEmpty = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A7").Value = ""

Dim AnyFollowingCellIsEmpty as Boolean
AnyFollowingCellIsEmpty = WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B7:O7")) > 0

If Not FirstCellIsEmpty And AnyFollowingCellIsEmpty Then
    MsgBox "I don't know any Swedish. But please fill out the necessary cells."
End If



Private Function IsUserInputMissing() As Boolean

    ' Easy way to set the beginning of the range
    Const FirstRowToBeChecked As Long = 7
    ' Set a reference to the sheet that needs checking
    Dim Ws As Worksheet
    Set Ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")

    Dim iRow As Long
    iRow = FirstRowToBeChecked


        Dim FirstCellIsEmpty As Boolean
        FirstCellIsEmpty = Ws.Cells(iRow, 1).Value = vbNullString ' vbNullString is a clearer way of saying ""
        ' Exit loop at the first empty row
        If FirstCellIsEmpty Then Exit Do

        Dim AnyFollowingCellIsEmpty As Boolean
        AnyFollowingCellIsEmpty = WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(Ws.Range(Ws.Cells(iRow, 2), Ws.Cells(iRow, 15))) > 0

        If AnyFollowingCellIsEmpty Then
            ' Any time the requirements are not met, notify user and abort checking and saving
            ' This is not as elegant as checking the whole range and collecting info about all missing inputs
            ' But it's way easier to code :)
            MsgBox "I don't know any Swedish. But please fill out the necessary cells. Tack!"
            IsUserInputMissing = True
            Exit Function
        End If
        ' Don't forget to increment the counter, otherwise you've got yourself an endless loop
        iRow = iRow + 1


    ' If execution reaches this line, all rows fulfil the requirement
    ' IsUserInputMissing will have its Default value: False
End Function

