几天来我一直在努力通过 Intune 让这个脚本运行。下面的脚本用于检查是否安装了打印机,如果没有,则从我们的 blob 存储库下载驱动程序,提取,添加到驱动程序存储区,然后添加打印机。
该脚本在本地运行时运行良好,但是,当我通过 Intune 将其推送到我们的 Windows 10 设备时,没有添加打印机,并且 Intune 告诉我该脚本无法在目标设备上运行,但我不确定原因。
脚本在以 开头的行处失败$pnpOutput
我认为问题与我使用 powershell 调用的方式有关pnputil.exe
。我尝试了几种方式来表达命令,但没有结果。我对 powershell 还不熟悉,但知道足够多的东西来组合几个脚本并进行一些基本的故障排除。
行,但生成的文件为空。我尝试在整个最后一个块周围添加一个 try / catch,但我的日志文件甚至没有创建(甚至在本地也没有创建,即使我故意破坏脚本以导致错误)。
# This script installs the US Bizhub C368 printer
# This checks to see if the printer has already been added
$CheckPrinter = Get-printer | where {$_.Name -like "US Bizhub C368"}
If ($CheckPrinter -eq $null) {
# Make IT folder for driver download
$ITFolder = "C:\IT"
New-Item -Path $ITFolder -ItemType Directory
# Download the driver from Azure Blob repository
$source = "OurAzureBlobURL.com"
$zipdestination = "$ITFolder\USBizhubC368Driver.zip"
Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $zipdestination
# Extract the zip archive and delete the zip
$unzippeddestination = "$ITFolder\USBizhubC368Driver"
Expand-Archive -Path $zipdestination -DestinationPath $unzippeddestination
Remove-Item -Path $zipdestination
$pnpOutput = pnputil -a "$unzippeddestination\KOAXWJ__.INF" | Select-String "Published name"
$null = $pnpOutput -match "Published name :\s*(?<name>.*\.inf)"
$driverINF = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Windows\INF\$($matches.Name)
Add-PrinterDriver -Name "KONICA MINOLTA C368SeriesPCL" -InfPath $driverINF.FullName
Add-PrinterPort -Name "US Bizhub C368" -PrinterHostAddress ""
Add-Printer -Name "US Bizhub C368" -DriverName "KONICA MINOLTA C368SeriesPCL" -PortName "US Bizhub C368"
有人有什么想法吗?我愿意尝试一些尝试,所以如果你知道如何让日志记录正常工作,我很乐意设置它,通过 Intune 推送它并报告错误消息。Powershell 不是我的第一语言(目前),所以如果可能的话,我可能需要稍微简化一下答案 :)
# This script installs the US Bizhub C368 printer
# This checks to see if the printer has already been added
$CheckPrinter = Get-printer | where {$_.Name -like "US Bizhub C368"}
If ($CheckPrinter -eq $null) {
# Make IT folder for driver download
$ITFolder = "C:\IT"
New-Item -Path $ITFolder -ItemType Directory
# Download the driver from Azure Blob repository
$source = "OurAzureBlobURL.com"
$zipdestination = "$ITFolder\USBizhubC368Driver.zip"
Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $zipdestination
# Extract the zip archive and delete the zip
$unzippeddestination = "$ITFolder\USBizhubC368Driver"
Expand-Archive -Path $zipdestination -DestinationPath $unzippeddestination
Remove-Item -Path $zipdestination
if($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "x86"){
Start-Process "$env:WINDIR\sysnative\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -WorkingDirectory $ITFolder -ArgumentList "pnputil /add-driver *.inf /subdirs /install | Out-File -FilePath (Join-Path $ITFolder '\Install-Drivers.txt')" -NoNewWindow -Wait
elseif($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "AMD64"){
Start-Process "powershell.exe" -WorkingDirectory $ITFolder -ArgumentList "pnputil /add-driver *.inf /subdirs /install | Out-File -FilePath (Join-Path $ITFolder '\Install-Drivers.txt')" -NoNewWindow -Wait
[String]$pnpOutput = Get-Content "$ITFolder\Install-Drivers.txt" | Select-String "Published Name"
$pnpOutput -match "Published name:\s*(?<name>.*\.inf)"
$driverINF = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Windows\INF\$($matches.Name)
Add-PrinterDriver -Name "KONICA MINOLTA C368SeriesPCL" -InfPath $driverINF.FullName
Add-PrinterPort -Name "US Bizhub C368" -PrinterHostAddress ""
Add-Printer -Name "US Bizhub C368" -DriverName "KONICA MINOLTA C368SeriesPCL" -PortName "US Bizhub C368"