启用 lmod 模块后 pipenv 模块安装失败

启用 lmod 模块后 pipenv 模块安装失败

最近我一直在尝试集群计算/管理。我有一个带共享存储的小型 RasPi 集群。在 NFS 存储上,Python 3.6 安装到文件夹中。我使用 LMOD 来启用模块的动态加载,并将其设置为自动将“module”命令引导到 bash/fish/zsh 中。

我启动了一个 python 项目并尝试使用 pipenv 安装 NumPy:

pipenv install numpy


ValueError: A valid Fortran version was not found in this string:

Modules based on Lua: Version 7.8.8  2018-10-26 15:12 -05:00
    by Robert McLay [email protected]

module [options] sub-command [args ...]

Help sub-commands:
  help                              prints this message
  help                module [...]  print help message from module(s)

Loading/Unloading sub-commands:
  load | add          module [...]  load module(s)
  try-load | try-add  module [...]  Add module(s), do not complain if not
  del | unload        module [...]  Remove module(s), do not complain if not
  swap | sw | switch  m1 m2         unload m1 and load m2
  purge                             unload all modules
  refresh                           reload aliases from current list of
  update                            reload all currently loaded modules.

Listing / Searching sub-commands:
  list                              List loaded modules
  list                s1 s2 ...     List loaded modules that match the
  avail | av                        List available modules
  avail | av          string        List available modules that contain
  spider                            List all possible modules
  spider              module        List all possible version of that module
  spider              string        List all module that contain the
  spider              name/version  Detailed information about that version
                                    of the module.
  whatis              module        Print whatis information about module
  keyword | key       string        Search all name and whatis that contain

Searching with Lmod:
  All searching (spider, list, avail, keyword) support regular expressions:

  -r spider           '^p'          Finds all the modules that start with
                                    `p' or `P'
  -r spider           mpi           Finds all modules that have "mpi" in
                                    their name.
  -r spider           'mpi$         Finds all modules that end with "mpi" in
                                    their name.

我认为这是因为 pipenv 在此步骤中尝试调用一个名为“module”的程序,但它没有获取该程序,而是获取了 LMOD 的引导程序。不过我不确定如何解决这个问题。当我直接运行 pip 时也会发生同样的情况:

pip install --user numpy


