HFS 格式的外部硬盘的 EFI 分区无法在 macOS 中安装

HFS 格式的外部硬盘的 EFI 分区无法在 macOS 中安装



接下来发生了什么:我重新插上硬盘,我的 Mac 识别到了它,因为它出现在桌面和 Finder 的侧边栏上。但那里什么都没有,我只看到一个空白的 Finder 选项卡,不过文件似乎完好无损,因为信息面板显示剩余 59GB(共 2TB)。



磁盘工具:我之前提到过,插入驱动器后 DU 无法启动,但我先打开 DU,然后插入驱动器,DU 识别出它,好像没有问题一样。我对驱动器本身 (disk2) 及其唯一分区 (disk2s2) 运行了急救。disk2 上的操作失败,原因是“发现分区图存在问题,可能会阻止启动”,disk2s2 上的操作失败,原因是磁盘无法卸载。


diskutil verifyDisk disk2
Problems were found with the partition map which might prevent booting  
Error: -69808: Some information was unavailable during an internal lookup

diskutil verifyVolume disk2s1
Volume is already unmounted  
Performing fsck_msdos -n /dev/rdisk2s1  
** /dev/rdisk2s1  
could not read boot block (Resource busy)  
File system check exit code is 8  
Restoring the original state found as unmounted  
Error: -69845: File system verify or repair failed  
Underlying error: 8: Exec format error

diskutil verifyVolume disk2s2
Verifying file system  
Volume could not be unmounted  
Using live mode  
Performing fsck_hfs -fn -l -x /dev/rdisk2s2  
File system check exit code is 8  
Restoring the original state found as mounted  
Error: -69845: File system verify or repair failed  
Underlying error: 8: Exec format error  

diskutil repairDisk disk2
Repairing the partition map might erase disk2s1, proceed? (y/N) y  
Started partition map repair on disk2  
Checking prerequisites  
Problems were encountered during repair of the partition map  
Error: -69808: Some information was unavailable during an internal lookup  

diskutil repairVolume disk2s1
Started file system repair on disk2s1 EFI  
Repairing file system  
Volume is already unmounted  
Performing fsck_msdos -y /dev/rdisk2s1  
** /dev/rdisk2s1  
could not read boot block (Resource busy)
File system check exit code is 8
Restoring the original state found as unmounted
Error: -69845: File system verify or repair failed
Underlying error: 8: Exec format error

diskutil repairVolume disk2s2
Started file system repair on disk2s2  
Repairing file system  
Volume could not be unmounted  
Restoring the original state found as mounted  
Error: -69673: Unable to unmount volume for repair  


disk2: Forced unmount of disk2 failed: at least one volume could not be unmounted. 
disk2s1(EFI): disk2s1 was already unmounted  
disk2s2: Volume on disk2s2 timed out while waiting to unmount. 

每个分区上都有些fsck。但是它们都无济于事,它们只返回“volumeType 为 0”。grep fsck 也无济于事。


由于上述努力表明 disk2s1(EFI)始终处于卸载状态,而 disk2s2 始终处于安装状态,并且外部磁盘本身正在干扰 Finder 和系统,因此我猜测 EFI 分区已损坏。

我买了一个新的 2TB 外置硬盘,并尝试复制损坏的磁盘,但失败了。我尝试了磁盘实用程序和 Time Machine,但它们都无法对损坏的磁盘执行恢复或备份。

