我有一张用来制作运动卡片的表格。我的表格中有 15 张卡片,每张卡片上都有一张图片,这些图片是通过“插入 -> 图片”并从我的电脑中选择 PNG 或 JPG 创建的。
但是,由于此表是许多团队使用的模板,因此我希望能够创建一些代码,让我选择一张图片,将其更改为新徽标,然后单击按钮将该图片复制到其余 14 个徽标中。我尝试了许多不同的方法,所有这些都是这样的:
Dim setLogo As Picture
Dim logo1 As Picture
Set setLogo = Sheets("Team Cards").Images("LOGO_SET")
Set logo1 = Sheets("Team Cards").Images("LOGO1")
logo1.Picture = setLogo.Picture ' also tried UserPicture
我一直在谷歌上搜索,但似乎找不到可以做到这一点的代码。我也在摆弄 PictureData 属性,但无法让它工作,它们都以抛出错误而告终。我看到了一些关于删除图像并重新插入新图像的内容,我可能会尝试一下,但我希望我只是缺少一些可以为我做到这一点的属性。你能帮我提供正确的代码吗?
ChangeLogo 宏
- 运行宏后会出现文件对话框。
- 浏览并选择活动工作表卡片的徽标图像。
- 新的标志被添加到Shapes系列中。
- 活动工作表中的每个形状都被视为:
- 如果不是新添加的徽标形状和
- 如果形状是图像,那么对于找到的这个图像:
- 徽标形状重复。
- 重复的徽标将使用找到的图像的属性进行更新。
- 然后删除找到的图像。
Option Explicit
' ChangeLogo: File Dialogue Prompts user for Image.
' The selected image replaces all the images on the Active Worksheet
Private Const GetDirStartIn = "" ' "CurDir" (Default), "ActiveWorkbook.Path", "/Specified/Path"
Private Const ImageFileExt = "*.gif; *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.png" ' FileFilter Format
' More than one Shape can have the same name. Consider naming all images "Card Logo"
' Rename: Home (tab) | Editing (section) | Find & Select | Selection Pane...
' TODO implement
' Leave Picture Blank "" to replace all on active sheet.
'Private Const BaseName = "Picture"
'Private Const FirstNumber = 1 ' Name is BaseName & " " Number
'Private Const LastNumber = 4
Public Sub ChangeLogo()
Dim fname As String
Dim shp As Shape
Dim logo As Shape
Dim l As Shape
Dim newLogoShapeName As String
newLogoShapeName = "newLogoShapeName_Temp_DeleteMe"
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
.Title = " Card Logo - Select Image for Sheet"
.ButtonName = "Select"
If GetDirStartIn = "CurDir" Or GetDirStartIn = "" Then 'Default
.InitialFileName = CurDir & Application.PathSeparator
ElseIf GetDirStartIn = "ActiveWorkbook.Path" Then
.InitialFileName = ActiveWorkbook.path & Application.PathSeparator
.InitialFileName = GetDirStartIn & Application.PathSeparator
End If
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.Filters.Add "Images", ImageFileExt, 1
.Filters.Add "All files", "*.*"
.FilterIndex = 1
If .Show = -1 Then
fname = .SelectedItems(1)
End 'Exit Subroutine and Execution Call Stack
End If
End With
Set logo = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture(fname, msoFalse, msoTrue, 1, 1, -1, -1)
logo.Name = newLogoShapeName
For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
With shp
If .Type = msoPicture Then
' More Logic based on template image shape names
If .Name <> logo.Name Then
Set l = logo.Duplicate
l.Name = .Name
l.Top = .Top
l.Left = .Left
' Deal here with letter boxing VS stretching to fit.
'l.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
'l.ScaleHeight Factor:=1, RelativeToOriginalSize:=msoTrue
'l.ScaleWidth Factor:=1, RelativeToOriginalSize:=msoTrue
l.Height = .Height
l.Width = .Width
End If
End If
End With
Next shp
End Sub
Cells(1, "A").Copy
Cells(2, "A").select
这是我用来将图像从一个工作表复制到另一个工作表的一段代码,同时在新工作表中调整它们的大小和位置。wsData 是源工作表,wsCharts 是目标工作表。
iChartCount = wsData.ChartObjects.Count()
If Not (iChartCount > 0) Then
MsgBox "No charts in Data sheet to copy"
End If
For iChart = 1 To iChartCount
Application.StatusBar = "CopyCharts: " & iChart & " of " & iChartCount & " " & Format(iChart / iChartCount, "0%")
Set oChart = ActiveChart
Set oChartObject = oChart.Parent
lngChartHeight = oChartObject.Height
lngChartWidth = oChartObject.Width
Set oChartObject = ActiveChart.Parent
lngChartTop = Int((iChart - 1) / 2) * lngChartHeight
oChartObject.Top = lngChartTop
ievenodd = iChart Mod 2
If ievenodd = 1 Then
oChartObject.Left = 0
oChartObject.Left = lngChartWidth
End If
Next iChart