如何在 MS Word 中对“~~~”进行换行?

如何在 MS Word 中对“~~~”进行换行?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. "Sed neque libero, pretium ac elit non, condimentum ullamcorper eros"Sed semper luctus dui. Duis mollis congue urna.


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit"Sed neque libero, pretium ac elit non, condimentum ullamcorper eros. 


Lorem ipsum dolor"sit amet, consectetur"adipiscing elit. 


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
"Sed neque libero, pretium ac elit non, condimentum ullamcorper eros"
Sed semper luctus dui. Duis mollis congue urna.


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit"
Sed neque libero, pretium ac elit non, condimentum ullamcorper eros. 


Lorem ipsum dolor 
"sit amet, consectetur" 
adipiscing elit. 




标题中的“~~~”不太清楚。我认为您想要做的是找到引用文本的字符串,并将每个字符串放在自己的段落中,与之前或之后的内容分开。常规搜索和替换无法完成这项任务。但是,正则表达式可以快速完成这项工作。虽然它不如大多数人习惯的那么好(强大),但 Microsoft 确实有一个复杂的通配符表达式系统,看起来像正则表达式。您的目标很容易在该系统的能力范围内。

在 Word 功能区上,单击Find并选择Advanced Find...。在对话框中,单击More按钮,使对话框变大,显示更多选项。选中“使用通配符“。这将允许您使用 Microsoft 版本的正则表达式。




最后一点是,在 Word 中,段落符号不能用于搜索和替换,但它们会^p在“替换为”框中为您提供替换。即插入符号^( Shift+ 6) 和小写字母p。在“查找内容”框中,您必须使用数字等价物,即^13


  • 找什么:("[!"]{1,}")
  • 用。。。来代替:^p\1^p



  • 找什么:^13("[!"]{1,}")([!^13])
  • 用。。。来代替:^p\1^p\2


  • 找什么:([!^13])("[!"]{1,}")^13
  • 用。。。来代替:\1^p\2^p


  • 找什么:([!^13])("[!"]{1,}")([!^13])
  • 用。。。来代替:\1^p\2^p\3


  • 找什么:^13{2}
  • 用。。。来代替:^p

需要注意的是,我在所有工作中都使用了段落,但您可能打算在引用和未引用的文本部分之间使用手动回车或换行符。在这种情况下,如果您想添加新行,请使用^l(小写字母 ell)而不是“替换为”框中的新行,如果您需要查找新行,请在“查找内容”框中^p使用(eleven)。^11

如果您想了解有关 Word 中通配符搜索的更多功能,可以参阅 Microsoft MVP 的页面使用通配符查找和替换字符


Code    Notes
-----   -------
^1      In-line picture
^2      Auto referenced footnotes
^5      Annotation mark
^9      Tab
^11     New line
^12     Page or Section break
^13     Paragraph break / 'carriage' return
^14     Column break
^19     Opening field brace (when field braces are visible)
^21     Closing field brace (when field braces are visible)
?       Question mark
^?      Any single character (not valid in the Replace box)
^-      Optional hyphen
^~      Non-breaking hyphen
^^      Caret character
^#      Any digit
^$      Any letter
^&      Contents of 'Find What' box (Replace box only)
^+      Em dash  (not valid in the Replace box)
^=      En dash  (not valid in the Replace box)
^u8195  Em Space Unicode character value search (not valid in the Replace box)
^u8194  En Space Unicode character value search (not valid in the Replace box)
^a      Comment (not valid in the replace box)
^b      Section break (not valid in the replace box)
^c      Replace with Clipboard contents (Replace box only)
^d      Field
^e      Endnote Mark (not valid in the Replace box)
^f      Footnote Mark (not valid in the Replace box)
^g      Graphic (In Line Graphics Only). In Word 2007 a forward slash /
        also appears to find in-line graphics. This appears to be an 
        unintentional bug.
^l      New line -
^m      Manual Page Break
^n      Column break
^t      Tab -
^p      Paragraph Mark -
^s      Non-breaking space
^w      White space (space, non-breaking space, tab); not valid in 
        the Replace box
^nnn    Where "n" is an ASCII character number

        Note: ASCII codes below 128 were standardized a long time ago, 
        before the introduction of Windows operating systems. The upper
        codes were used for OS-specific, localized, or vendor-specific 
        stuff. When DOS code pages were replaced by Windows code pages,
        a leading zero was used to indicated the difference.
        Thus ^32 and ^032 will both represent a space character, but
        ^147 will represent ô and ^0147 will represent “
^0nnn   See above (Produces ASCII on Macintosh).
^unnnn  Unicode character search where "n" is a decimal number corresponding
        to the Unicode character value.

Note:   To search for a specific field, such as an XE (Index Entry) field, 
        use the following syntax:
        ^19 field name
