从待机唤醒时 eth0 r8169 关闭

从待机唤醒时 eth0 r8169 关闭

待机后唤醒时,网络 (eth0) 保持关闭状态。 eth0 卡是 r8169。

我努力了 :

  • ifconfig eth0 up
  • ifconfig eth0 up; dhcpcd eht0
    有效,但如何配置我的静态 IP,我的代理是 IP 绑定的


modprobe -r r8169; modprobe r8169; service network-manager restart

但是有什么方法可以自动执行此操作或修改 acpi 脚本,以便首先不需要 modprobe 吗?


操作系统:Debian-squeeze (6.0)

ethtool eth0输出:

Supported ports: [ TP MII ]
Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 
                        100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 
Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 
                        100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 
Advertised pause frame use: No
Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Link partner advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 
                                     100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 
Link partner advertised pause frame use: No
Link partner advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Speed: 100Mb/s
Duplex: Full
Port: MII
Transceiver: internal
Auto-negotiation: on
Supports Wake-on: pumbg
Wake-on: g
Current message level: 0x00000033 (51)
Link detected: yes


# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
#NetworkManager#iface eth0 inet dhcp




这是 Realtek 卡的常见 IRQ 问题。看看你的日志。你会看到类似的东西:

Jul 10 08:47:34 xxx systemd-logind[861]: Operation 'sleep' finished.
Jul 10 08:47:34 xxx NetworkManager[845]: <info>  [1531205254.1392] manager: sleep: wake requested (sleeping: yes  enabled: yes)
Jul 10 08:47:34 xxx NetworkManager[845]: <info>  [1531205254.1394] device (enp24s0): state change: unmanaged -> unavailable (reason 'managed', sys-iface-state: 'managed')
Jul 10 08:47:34 xxx kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): enp24s0: link is not ready
Jul 10 08:47:34 xxx gnome-shell[3792]: _st_paint_shadow_with_opacity: assertion 'shadow_pipeline != NULL' failed
Jul 10 08:47:34 xxx NetworkManager[845]: <info>  [1531205254.1965] manager: NetworkManager state is now DISCONNECTED
Jul 10 08:47:34 xxx kernel: do_IRQ: 13.36 No irq handler for vector
Jul 10 08:47:34 xxx kernel: r8169 0000:18:00.0 enp24s0: link down
