尝试启动 SpinRite 并获取 InitDiskill 警告:使用可疑分区

尝试启动 SpinRite 并获取 InitDiskill 警告:使用可疑分区

尝试在Acer Aspire z3760一体机上运行 SpinRite 6。

我尝试做的第一件事是将机器启动到 USB 上的 SpinRite 映像;即使我进入 BIOS 并将 USB 作为第一个启动设备,机器仍然拒绝从 USB 启动。

然后我将 SpinRite 刻录为 ISO 并将其放在 CD 上。我将 CD 设置为第一个启动设备,然后得到了这个。

FreeDOS kernel version 1.1.32a (Build 2032a) 
[Sep 24 2003 21:58:48] Kernel compatibility 7.10 WATCOMC FAT32 support (C) Copyright 1995-2003 Pasquale J. Uillani and The FreeDOS Project. 
All Rights Reserved. This is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY MO WARRANTY; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. 
InitDiskill WARNING: using suspect partition Pri:1 FS Oc: with calculated values 38912-254-63 instead of 1021-254-63

