Keepass 配置文件仅允许 changemasterkey 一次

Keepass 配置文件仅允许 changemasterkey 一次


@CD /d "%~dp0"
KeePass-2.42.1-Setup.exe /verysilent
REM Installs KeePass 2.42.1 very silent
COPY KeePass.config.xml "C:\Program Files (x86)\KeePass Password Safe 2\"
REM Recplaces the Configuration File with a modified file. Modification are: 
REM -Setting UIFLAG to 35
REM -CheckForUpdate to false and CheckForUpdateConfigured to true
REM - <Policy> <NewFile> to false
COPY Datenbank.kdbx "D:\Eigene Dateien\KeePass\"
REM Copies the modified Database onto the PC, this Database asks for a change of the masterkey the first time it gets opened
ECHO "Please open the database PasswortManager on your Desktop now, change the masterkey as prompted, save it and close Keepass. Press Enter after finishing"
COPY KeePass2.config.enforced.xml "C:\Program Files (x86)\KeePass Password Safe 2\"
REM Replaces the configuration file again this time with <ChangeMasterKey> to False


这种方法有效,但感觉很奇怪,而且有很多方法可能会出现问题。例如,如果他们在打开数据库之前按下回车键,或者在 keepass 仍打开时按下回车键。有没有办法只允许第一次主密码更改?而不必将配置覆盖到次。


