

我已经导出了 centos7 ova 文件,并尝试使用 XCP-ng center 8.0.1 将其导入到 XCP-ng 8.0 中。但是这个错误显示。



是的,X* Center 内的错误消息通常毫无价值。帮助-->“查看 XCP-ng 中心日志文件”有更多详细信息。

使用 XOA 导入 OVA。


[20:55 xcp-ng-gv2b7y1 ~]# xe pool-param-get uuid=TabCompleteMe param-name=default-SR
<not in database>  #BAD, many things will not work.#

因此,如果有<not in database>,则没有默认存储库。按照 Olivier 的指示:设置 XenServer 默认 SR

最后,命令行界面提供了最强大的功能,并且可以使用制表符完成参数甚至 UUID,它并不像您想象的那么令人畏惧。是的,只需输入 UUID 的前几个数字,然后点击 Tab 键即可自动完成。

[20:48 xcp-ng-g ~]# xe help vm-import
            command name            : vm-import
                    reqd params     :
                    optional params : filename, preserve, sr-uuid, force, host-username, host-password, type, remote-config, url, vdi:
                    description     : Import a VM. If type=ESXServer is given, it
    will import from a VMWare server and 'host-username', 'host-password' and
    'remote-config' are required. Otherwise, it will import from a file, and 
    'filename' is required. If the option preserve=true is given then as many 
    settings as possible are restored, including VIF MAC addresses. The default is 
    to regenerate VIF MAC addresses. The VDIs will be imported into the Pool's 
    default SR unless an override is provided. If the force option is given then any 
    disk data checksum failures will be ignored. If the parameter 'url' is 
    specified, xapi will attempt to import from that URL.
