


@net use M: \\\Media Folder\Movies /persistent: yes

@echo Create new P: drive mapping 
@net use P: \\\Media Folder\Pictures /persistent: yes

@echo Create new S: drive mapping 
@net use S: \\\Criticals /persistent: yes

@echo Create new L: drive mapping 
@net use F: \\\Finances & Banking /persistent: yes

@echo Create new N: drive mapping 
@net use N: \\\Documents /persistent: yes



如果第三方工具可以,那么我建议看看 NirCmd。它有一个子命令“快捷方式”,其中包含几个参数,如名称、目标目录、图标文件等,用于设置链接文件。试试这个页面https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd2.html并搜索以shortcut [跳转到正确的部分。下载位于页面底部https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.html

不过,我不确定 NirCmd 是否可以处理 UNC 路径(\\IP\Folder)。在这种情况下,映射的驱动器号应该用作快捷方式文件的目标。



@Echo off
::: [ The full path to the program your creating a shortcut for
    Set "ProgramPath=%~F0"
::: ]
::: [ The Name you want for your shortcut
    Set "ProgramName=%~n0"
::: ]
::: [ The full path to your Icon
    Set "IconLocation=%~dp0IconName.ico"
::: ]
::: [ The directory to create and run the powershell script from.
    Set "RunFrom=%TEMP%"
::: ]

::: [ Pass the properties to the subroutine to create the shortcut via powershell
    Call :CreateShortcut "%ProgramPath%" "%ProgramName%" "%IconLocation%" "%RunFrom%"
::: ]
    Exit /B

::: [ Use batch to create and run a powershell script that makes a .Ink file with the desired properties.
:CreateShortcut <Target Program Path> <Shortcut Name> <Icon Path> <Directory to create powershell file in>
    ECHO # Create a Shortcut with Windows PowerShell
    ECHO $SourceFileLocation = "%~1"
    ECHO $ShortcutLocation = "$env:userprofile\Desktop\%~2.lnk"
    ECHO #New-Object : Creates an instance of a Microsoft .NET Framework or COM object.
    ECHO #-ComObject WScript.Shell: This creates an instance of the COM object that represents the WScript.Shell for invoke CreateShortCut
    ECHO $WScriptShell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
    ECHO $Shortcut = $WScriptShell.CreateShortcut($ShortcutLocation^)
    ECHO $Shortcut.TargetPath = $SourceFileLocation
    ECHO $Shortcut.IconLocation = "%~3"
    ECHO #Save the Shortcut to the TargetPath
    ECHO $Shortcut.Save(^)
    ) >"%~4\CreateShortcut.ps1"
::: - Execute powershell script to create Shortcut on User Desktop
    Powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File %~4\CreateShortcut.ps1
Exit /B
::: ]
