是否可以单击窗口内的任意位置来关闭窗口?按住 alt 键,然后单击要关闭的窗口。就像在游戏中射击目标一样。
为什么不按 Alt+F4?这样会更有用,因为 Alt+F4 要求窗口处于活动状态。如果不是,您必须先单击窗口以将其置于最前面。额外的步骤。
Alt & RButton::
MouseGetPos, , , id,
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %id%
; disable for windows taskbar
If class not in Shell_TrayWnd
WinClose, ahk_id %id%
(可选)为了防止此操作在某些窗口上起作用,只需将该窗口的类添加到上面的过滤器中。首先,从上下文菜单 Autohotkey 托盘图标中的“窗口间谍”功能中找出应用程序的 ahkclass。然后只需在后面添加类名即可。
;If class not in Shell_TrayWnd, <insert yourapp classname>
改编自, https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/43348-close-window-under-mouse/
修改过的回答对于 AHK v2
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
Alt & RButton:: {
MouseGetPos ,, &id
; detect the unique ID number of the window under the mouse cursor
; The window does not have to be active to be detected. Hidden windows cannot be detected
; WinID := WinExist("A") ; alternative - but 'Active' window might not always be the intended target
winClass := WinGetClass("ahk_id " id) ; Retrieves the specified window's class name
If (winClass != "Shell_TrayWnd" ; exclude windows taskbar
|| winClass != "TopLevelWindowForOverflowXamlIsland" ; System tray overflow window
|| winClass != "Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow" ; Notification Center
;|| winClass != "insert yourapp's classname" ; uncomment to add more apps
WinClose("ahk_id " id) ; sends a WM_CLOSE message to the target window
; PostMessage 0x0112, 0xF060,,, "ahk_id " id ; alternative - same as pressing Alt+F4 or clicking a window's close button in its title bar
^!F4::WinKill "A"
/* ; alternative
^!F4:: {
MouseGetPos ,, &id
ProcessClose WinGetProcessName("ahk_id " id)
; other methods to quit app - https://www.xda-developers.com/how-force-quit-applications-windows/