旧 SNMP 硬件的 OID 错误

旧 SNMP 硬件的 OID 错误

在修复了旧 MIB 中的一些错误配置行后,我终于在尝试处理旧硬件设备时取得了一些进展。但是,这个特定的 OID 上仍然出现错误,我无法理解。我将不胜感激任何线索:

以下是仅遍历该特定 OID 的 -DALL 输出:



OID 是这样的:


snmpProxyDrops OBJECT-TYPE
  -- FROM       SNMPv2-MIB
  SYNTAX        Counter32
  MAX-ACCESS    read-only
  STATUS        current
  DESCRIPTION   "The total number of Confirmed Class PDUs
            (such as GetRequest-PDUs, GetNextRequest-PDUs,
            GetBulkRequest-PDUs, SetRequest-PDUs, and
            InformRequest-PDUs) delivered to the SNMP entity which
            were silently dropped because the transmission of
            the (possibly translated) message to a proxy target
            failed in a manner (other than a time-out) such that
            no Response Class PDU (such as a Response-PDU) could
            be returned."
::= { iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib-2(1) snmp(11) 32 }

大多数调试输出似乎都在索引和解析您的 MIB(我数了数,有 336 个)。最后,设备返回“0”作为轮询的答案:

. = Counter32: 0

