在 Powershell 中执行时,语句块或类型定义中缺少结束“}”

在 Powershell 中执行时,语句块或类型定义中缺少结束“}”

我是 powershell 新手。当我尝试执行以下代码时,出现错误:



$path = "C:\Users\Dr.Salya\Downloads"
$filename = "rateonlyl-455.zip"

$url = "https://vertexinc.custhelp.com/app/utils/login_form"
$url2 = "https://download-ie.flexnetoperations.com/512175/1386/77/17129077/rateonlyl-455.zip?ftpRequestID=2321180473&server=download-ie.flexnetoperations.com&dtm=DTM20200820125043ODA0MDU5NDEz&authparam=1597953043_bf5ca04b9a74eeb53a272c20ea148517&ext=.zip/"

$ie = New-Object -com InternetExplorer.Application

$ie.visible = $true
$ie.silent = $false


while($ie.ReadyState -ne 4){start-sleep -m 100}
if ($ie.document.url -Match "invalidcert"){
$sslbypass=$ie.Document.getElementsByTagName("a") | where-object {$_.id -eq "overridelink"}
    start-sleep -s 5

$ie.Document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementById("username").value ='********'
$ie.Document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementById("password").value ='1234'

start-sleep 5


start-sleep 10

$ie.Document.body.outerHTML | Out-File -FilePath $path/$filename


You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At C:\Users\Dr.Salya\Downloads\Vertex1.ps1:22 char:1
+ $ie.Document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementById("username").click()
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull
The property 'value' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists and can be set.
At C:\Users\Dr.Salya\Downloads\Vertex1.ps1:23 char:1
+ $ie.Document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementById("username").value ='nnaisv ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PropertyNotFound
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At C:\Users\Dr.Salya\Downloads\Vertex1.ps1:24 char:1
+ $ie.Document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementById("password").click()
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull
The property 'value' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists and can be set.
At C:\Users\Dr.Salya\Downloads\Vertex1.ps1:25 char:1
+ $ie.Document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementById("password").value ='Vertex ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PropertyNotFound
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At C:\Users\Dr.Salya\Downloads\Vertex1.ps1:26 char:1
+ $ie.Document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementById("").click()
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull




# $path     = "C:\Users\Dr.Salya\Downloads"
# $filename = "rateonlyl-455.zip"

$url  = "https://vertexinc.custhelp.com/app/utils/login_form"
# $url2 = "https://download-ie.flexnetoperations.com/512175/1386/77/17129077/rateonlyl-455.zip?ftpRequestID=2321180473&server=download-ie.flexnetoperations.com&dtm=DTM20200820125043ODA0MDU5NDEz&authparam=1597953043_bf5ca04b9a74eeb53a272c20ea148517&ext=.zip/"

$ie = New-Object -com InternetExplorer.Application

$ie.visible = $true
$ie.silent = $false
while($ie.ReadyState -ne 4){start-sleep -m 100}

if ($ie.document.url -Match "invalidcert")
    $sslbypass = $ie.Document.getElementsByTagName('a') | 
                 where-object {$_.id -eq "overridelink"}
    start-sleep -s 5
$ie.Document.forms | 
Select-Object className, id, tagName, innerText, outerText 
# Results
className : rn_OpenLoginForm rn_OAuthForm
id        : rn_OpenLogin_6_Info
tagName   : FORM
innerText :  
            What will happen:
            When you click on this button you will be taken to Yahoo. 
            Once you log in, Yahoo will verify you and send you back here where 
            you'll be logged in! 
outerText :  
            What will happen:
            When you click on this button you will be taken to Yahoo. 
            Once you log in, Yahoo will verify you and send you back here where 
            you'll be logged in! 

className : 
id        : rn_LoginForm_7_Form
tagName   : FORM
innerText : Username (Your email address)
outerText : Username (Your email address)

$ie.Document.forms.item('rn_LoginForm_7_Form') | 
Select-Object -Property className, Name, id, Type, Value, ie9_tagName | 
Format-Table -AutoSize
# Results
className name             id                      type     value  ie9_tagName
--------- ----             --                      ----     -----  -----------
          Contact.Login    rn_LoginForm_7_Username text            INPUT      
          Contact.Password rn_LoginForm_7_Password password        INPUT      
                           rn_LoginForm_7_Submit   submit   Log In INPUT 

$ie.Document.getElementById('rn_LoginForm_7_Username').Value = 'SomeUserName'
$ie.Document.getElementById('rn_LoginForm_7_Password').Value = 'Password'

... 然后转到下一页(如果有的话),就像这个网站一样。但是,由于我没有这个网站的账户,所以我无法执行进一步的操作。但是,即使从登录页面拉出链接列表,对于任何后续页面来说都是相同的。

$ie.Document.links | 
ForEach-Object {
    className   = $PSItem.className
    tagName     = $PSItem.tagName
    innerText   = $PSitem.innerText
    outerText   = $PSitem.outerText
    href        = $PSItem.href 
    ClickMethod = $PSItem.Click

# Results

className   : 
tagName     : A
innerText   :  | myVertex
outerText   :  | myVertex
href        : javascript:void
ClickMethod : void click ()

className   : rn_LoginProvider rn_Yahoo
tagName     : A
innerText   : Yahoo
outerText   : Yahoo
href        : javascript:void(0)
ClickMethod : void click ()

className   : 
tagName     : A
innerText   : Forgot your password?
outerText   : Forgot your password?
href        : https://vertexinc.custhelp.com/app/utils/account_assistance/session/L3RpbWUvMTU5ODA0OTI1Ni9nZW4vMTU5ODA0OTI1Ni9zaWQvZlU4S0VoTlNVd2lJVjh1bmZDcTVVUHFvWWRF
ClickMethod : void click ()

className   : 
tagName     : A
innerText   : Sign Up
outerText   : Sign Up
href        : https://vertexinc.custhelp.com/app/utils/create_account/redirect/utils%252Faccount_confirmation/session/L3RpbWUvMTU5ODA0OTI1Ni9nZW4vMTU5ODA0OTI1Ni9zaWQv
ClickMethod : void click ()

className   : 
tagName     : A
innerText   :  
outerText   :  
href        : https://vertexinc.custhelp.com/app/home/session/L3RpbWUvMTU5ODA0OTI1Ni9nZW4vMTU5ODA0OTI1Ni9zaWQvZlU4S0VoTlNVd2lJVjh1bmZDcTVVUHFvWWRFTFZOVDVPU3JNYXJWeWV3
ClickMethod : void click ()

className   : 
tagName     : A
innerText   : Privacy Policy
outerText   : Privacy Policy
href        : javascript:showPrivacyPolicy();
ClickMethod : void click ()

className   : 
tagName     : A
innerText   : Terms of Use
outerText   : Terms of Use
href        : javascript:showTerms();
ClickMethod : void click ()

className   : 
tagName     : A
innerText   :   Contact: 1-800-281-1900
outerText   :   Contact: 1-800-281-1900
href        : tel:1-800-281-1900
ClickMethod : void click ()

className   : 
tagName     : A
innerText   : 
outerText   : 
href        : https://www.facebook.com/vertexinc1/
ClickMethod : void click ()

className   : 
tagName     : A
innerText   : 
outerText   : 
href        : https://twitter.com/vertexinc
ClickMethod : void click ()

className   : 
tagName     : A
innerText   : 
outerText   : 
href        : https://www.linkedin.com/company/vertex-inc.
ClickMethod : void click ()

className   : 
tagName     : A
innerText   : 
outerText   : 
href        : https://www.youtube.com/user/vertexinc
ClickMethod : void click ()         

$ie.Document.links | 
Select-Object -Property outerText, href
# Results
outerText             href                                                                                           
---------             ----                                                                                           
 | myVertex           javascript:void                                                                                
Yahoo                 javascript:void(0)                                                                             
Forgot your password? https://vertexinc.custhelp.com/app/utils/account_assistance                                    
Sign Up               https://vertexinc.custhelp.com/app/utils/create_account/redirect/utils%252Faccount_confirmation
Privacy Policy        javascript:showPrivacyPolicy();                                                                
Terms of Use          javascript:showTerms();                                                                        
  Contact: 1-800-2... tel:1-800-281-1900                                                                             

$ie.Document.getElementsByTagName('A')[4] | 
ForEach-Object {
    className   = $PSItem.className
    id          = $PSItem.id
    tagName     = $PSItem.tagName
    innerText   = $PSitem.innerText
    outerText   = $PSitem.outerText
    href        = $PSItem.href 
    ClickMethod = $PSItem.Click
# Results
className   : 
id          : 
tagName     : A
innerText   : Sign Up
outerText   : Sign Up
href        : https://vertexinc.custhelp.com/app/utils/create_account/redirect/utils%252Faccount_confirmation
ClickMethod : void click ()

($ie.Document.getElementsByTagName('A') | 
Where outerText -eq 'Forgot your password?').Click()
($ie.Document.getElementsByTagName('A') | 
Where outerText -eq 'Sign Up').Click()

