在 Mac OS X 上调试 Wifi 连接问题

在 Mac OS X 上调试 Wifi 连接问题

我正在尝试调试我在 Mac OS X 上遇到的 wifi 连接问题。我运行了 Mac 的无线诊断工具并为感兴趣的 wifi 网络生成了以下内容。

Timestamp    Name                          Duration    Result    Description                            
Hidden Wi-Fi Scan Results                  0.016       Yes       13:08:48.387        Found 14 hidden network(s)
Conflicting Wi-Fi CC                       0.001       Yes       13:08:48.386        Found conflicting country code(s) (us)
                                                                                     'eufy RoboVac 30C-D1CE' — 86:f3:eb:de:d1:ce (CN)
HT40 2.4GHz Networks                       0.019       Yes       13:08:48.366        Found HT40 network(s) in 2.4GHz
                                                                                     'SpectrumSetup-A8' — 5a:5b:3b:43:e4:a6 (ch 6)
                                                                                     'MySpectrumWiFi6E-2G' — c8:b4:22:e1:13:6c (ch 11)
Congested Wi-Fi Channel                    0.014       Yes       13:08:48.351        Current channel (44) is congested
                                                                                     Recommended 2.4GHz — 1
                                                                                     Recommended 5GHz — 161
Large PNL                                  0.004       Yes       13:08:48.337        Wi-Fi PNL count (35)
AirPort Base Station                       0.001       No        13:08:48.331        Current network is not an AirPort Base Station
Uncommon DTIM Interval                     0.001       Yes       13:08:48.321        DTIM interval is 0ms
AWDL Enabled                               0.000       Yes       13:08:48.317        AWDL is active
BT Paired Count                            0.061       Yes       13:08:48.255        Paired Bluetooth device count (5)
Primary IPv6 is Wi-Fi                      0.000       No        13:08:48.254        None
Primary IPv4 is Wi-Fi                      0.000       No        13:08:48.253        None
IPv6 Assigned                              0.000       No        13:08:48.252        Wi-Fi does not have IPv6 assigned
IPv4 Assigned                              0.006       No        13:08:48.246        Wi-Fi does not have IPv4 assigned
Curl Apple                                 0.009       No        13:08:48.220        Could not curl 'https://captive.apple.com'
Reach Apple                                0.000       No        13:08:48.220        Could not reach 'www.apple.com'
Resolve DNS                                0.001       No        13:08:48.218        Could not resolve 'captive.apple.com'
Ping LAN                                   0.000       No        13:08:45.005        Could not ping router ((null) / 0.00ms / BE / 64 bytes / i=0.000000s / W=0.000000s t=0.000000s / c=0)
Ping WAN                                   0.000       No        13:08:45.002        Could not ping DNS server ((null) / 0.00ms / BE / 64 bytes / i=0.000000s / W=0.000000s / t=0.000000s / c=0)
Reach Apple                                0.000       No        13:08:16.762        Could not reach 'www.apple.com'
Resolve DNS                                0.001       No        13:08:16.762        Could not resolve 'captive.apple.com'
Ping WAN                                   0.006       No        13:08:16.762        Could not ping DNS server ((null) / 0.00ms / BE / 64 bytes / i=0.000000s / W=0.000000s / t=0.000000s / c=0)
Ping LAN                                   0.007       No        13:08:16.762        Could not ping router ((null) / 0.00ms / BE / 64 bytes / i=0.000000s / W=0.000000s t=0.000000s / c=0)
Ping LAN                                   0.007       No        13:08:16.762        Could not ping router ((null) / 0.00ms / BE / 64 bytes / i=0.000000s / W=0.000000s t=0.000000s / c=0)
Ping LAN                                   0.007       No        13:08:16.762        Could not ping router ((null) / 0.00ms / BE / 64 bytes / i=0.000000s / W=0.000000s t=0.000000s / c=0)
Ping LAN                                   0.008       No        13:08:16.762        Could not ping router ((null) / 0.00ms / BE / 64 bytes / i=0.000000s / W=0.000000s t=0.000000s / c=0)
Ping LAN                                   0.008       No        13:08:16.762        Could not ping router ((null) / 0.00ms / BE / 64 bytes / i=0.000000s / W=0.000000s t=0.000000s / c=0)
Ping LAN                                   0.008       No        13:08:16.762        Could not ping router ((null) / 0.00ms / BE / 64 bytes / i=0.000000s / W=0.000000s t=0.000000s / c=0)
Ping LAN                                   0.008       No        13:08:16.762        Could not ping router ((null) / 0.00ms / BE / 64 bytes / i=0.000000s / W=0.000000s t=0.000000s / c=0)
Ping LAN                                   0.008       No        13:08:16.762        Could not ping router ((null) / 0.00ms / BE / 64 bytes / i=0.000000s / W=0.000000s t=0.000000s / c=0)
Curl Apple                                 0.019       No        13:08:16.762        Could not curl 'https://captive.apple.com'
Ping6 AWDL                                 0.022       Yes       13:08:16.762        Could ping AWDL (ff02::fb / 0.10ms / BE / 74 bytes / w=1.000000s / c=1)
Ping WAN                                   1.008       No        13:08:16.762        Could not ping DNS server ( / 0.00ms / BE / 68 bytes / i=0.100000s / W=1.600000s / t=1.600000s / c=1)
Retrieve Apple Over WiFi                   0.008       No        13:08:01.982        Could not retrieve 'https://captive.apple.com' over Wi-Fi
Ping WAN (CFNetwork)                       0.000       No        13:08:01.960        Could not ping DNS server ((null) / 0.00ms / BE / 64 bytes / i=0.000000s / W=0.000000s / t=0.000000s / c=0)
Ping LAN (CFNetwork)                       0.006       No        13:08:01.954        Could not ping router ((null) / 0.00ms / BE / 64 bytes / i=0.000000s / W=0.000000s t=0.000000s / c=0)

有人明白这是什么意思吗?我该怎么做?请注意,这不是我的个人路由器,而是我公寓楼里的 wifi 网络。


它显示的主要问题是您没有获得分配的 IP 地址,因此此后每个需要 IP 地址的测试都会失败。

您需要弄清楚为什么没有分配 IP 地址。例如,您是否希望该网络包含一个提供 IPv4 地址租约的 DHCP 服务器?您能否确认该 DHCP 服务器已启动并正在运行,并且可以从您的客户端所关联的 AP 访问?
