

我正在使用以下步骤这里这里在 Windows 10 上自动登录并锁定屏幕。

然而,在这段时间内您可以看到桌面,大约有 10 秒钟的暂停时间,并且不良行为者可能会运行脚本来取消锁定屏幕或传输数据。


如果不行的话,您是否可以在登录后 X 秒内阻止鼠标/键盘输入?

Step 1: Open notepad, then paste this code:

    WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run("rundll32 user32.dll,LockWorkStation")

Step 2: Click File>Save As and in Save as type dropdown menu, choose All Files

Step 3: In the File Name field, enter LockWorkStation.vbs and save the file to C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents

Step 4: Open a new document in notepad and then paste this code:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Step 5: Save this new file as RunLogonScriptSync=1.reg as described in steps 2 & 3.

Step 6: Import this reg-file into the registry by making a doubleclick on it.

Step 7: Hit WindowsKey+R, type gpedit.msc and press ENTER

Step 8: Under Computer Configuration, go to Administrative Templates > System > Logon then Double Click Run these programs at user logon

Step 9: Click Enabled, and on Items to run at logon click Show...

Step 10: Type C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\LockWorkStation.vbs and click OK repeatedly until all windows are closed

Step 11: Hit WindowsKey+R and type control.exe userpasswords2 then press ENTER

Step 12: Uncheck Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer. then click OK (type in your password if it prompts to do so)

Step 13: Restart your PC.

Now whenever you start your PC, the .vbs script will run first before anything else. This will ensure that your PC is locked before the desktop appears.
