For my research, i have 2 devices (Raspberry Pi and Laptop) connected to same router by cable and running speedtest by ookla software to the same server with ping, download speed, upload speed parameters.
in my experiment, the ping result between Raspberry Pi and laptop has differences around 20ms (ex. laptop 4ms raspberry 24ms) but the download and upload speed not much different.
Why only latency that have different result? which components on the device that affect the latency? . It is possible that I might misunderstand a few concepts here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Latency is like delay from one point to another.
There are several factors to it:
- Each cable is a different CAT rating (CAT rating determined your cable wire size gauge, t could be a factor).
- The cable length is different.
- The Ethernet Chip on your Raspberry Pi is different, check it. (even different date or batch could make it different ping but highly unlikely)
- Your CPU loading is different on each Raspberry, this could be factoring in your latency.
But 2 reasons from the top is the most occurs.