Best way to clean up over-compressed audio with a clean sample in Audacity?

Best way to clean up over-compressed audio with a clean sample in Audacity?

I have an audio file, which sounds a little muffled due to compression (it's not very bad however). I want to clean it up as much as possible with Audacity or similar (free) software. I have a high quality sample of other parts of that audio, can that help me in any way? Just noise reduction isn't doing much work, I figured maybe some program or effect can help by comparing two samples and finding out the difference.

So essentially I have two audio files, one is complete but in lower quality, one incomplete but in high quality, I'm trying to merge them and have the best quality possible.


hard to say what is possible without more info about the audio files. but creating the difference of two audios is easy. put both in 2 tracks and invert polarity of the compressed file. the resulting audio is the difference
