无法使用 macOS 中 diskutil 显示的可用空间

无法使用 macOS 中 diskutil 显示的可用空间

我有一个 2TB 的外置硬盘 ( disk2),它以前有一个卷 ( disk2s4) 和两个 APFS 容器 (disk2s3disk2s2)。我删除了其中一个卷 (500GB disk2s2),以为可以调整另一个卷的大小 ( disk2s3),但现在我根本无法使用这 500GB 的空闲空间。

➜  ~ diskutil list disk2
/dev/disk2 (external, physical):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *2.0 TB     disk2
   1:                        EFI ⁨EFI⁩                     209.7 MB   disk2s1
                    (free space)                         500.4 GB   -
   2:                 Apple_APFS ⁨Container disk3⁩         500.0 GB   disk2s3
   3:                  Apple_HFS ⁨Storage⁩                 999.6 GB   disk2s4


➜  ~ diskutil APFS resizeContainer /dev/disk2s3 0
Started APFS operation
Error: -69519: The target disk is too small for this operation, or a gap is required in your partition map which is missing or too small, which is often caused by an attempt to grow a partition beyond the beginning of another partition or beyond the end of partition map usable space


➜  ~ diskutil addPartition disk2 ExFat FOO 0
The new partition to be added will be of a filesystem personality of ExFAT exfat ExFAT Windows_NTFS
The new partition will be added following disk2s4
Started partitioning on disk2
Error: -69519: The target disk is too small for this operation, or a gap is required in your partition map which is missing or too small, which is often caused by an attempt to grow a partition beyond the beginning of another partition or beyond the end of partition map usable space



Apple 的内置工具只允许您从末尾拉伸或收缩分区;它们从不允许您移动分区的开头。


  1. 利用可用空间创建一个 500GB 的新分区。
  2. 将现有的 500GB 分区克隆到新分区上。
  3. 测试新的克隆以确保一切都复制正确。
  4. 删除旧分区。
  5. 扩展新的分区来占据刚刚释放的空间。
