是否有可能在 Windows 中获取带有详细信息的递归目录列表?

是否有可能在 Windows 中获取带有详细信息的递归目录列表?


dir *.txt /s


我想知道是否可以使用 CMD(或必要时使用 PowerShell)执行以下示例:

C:\files>dir cache.sqlite /s

 Volume in drive C is HDD
 Volume Serial Number is 6789-ABCD

01/02/2005  00:01 AM            65,536  C:\files\about+addons\cache.sqlite
02/03/2006  01:04 AM            98,304  C:\files\app.asana.com\cache.sqlite
03/04/2007  02:07 AM         2,162,688  C:\files\app.slack.com\cache.sqlite
04/05/2008  03:10 AM            98,304  C:\files\bootstrap-vue.org\cache.sqlite
05/06/2009  04:13 AM           196,608  C:\files\dev.to\cache.sqlite
06/07/2010  05:16 AM            65,536  C:\files\developer.mozilla.org\cache.sqlite
07/08/2011  06:19 AM            98,304  C:\files\phys.org\cache.sqlite
08/09/2012  07:22 AM           786,432  C:\files\stackdev.io\cache.sqlite
09/10/2013  08:25 AM           458,752  C:\files\todo.zenkit.com\cache.sqlite
10/11/2014  09:28 AM            98,304  C:\files\www.bing.com\cache.sqlite
11/12/2015  10:31 AM            98,304  C:\files\www.infoworld.com\cache.sqlite
12/13/2016  11:34 AM            65,536  C:\files\www.oracle.com\cache.sqlite
01/14/2017  12:37 PM            98,304  C:\files\www.popularmechanics.com\cache.sqlite
02/15/2018  13:40 PM           327,680  C:\files\www.sitepoint.com\cache.sqlite
03/16/2019  14:43 PM            65,536  C:\files\www.yahoo.com\cache.sqlite
04/17/2020  15:46 PM            98,304  C:\files\www.zdnet.com\cache.sqlite
     Total Files Listed:
              24 File(s)     4,882,432 bytes
              16 Dir(s)  208,862,339,072 bytes free



使用文件全名和计算属性“MB Size”进行递归

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\files\*.txt" -Recurse | 
Select @{Name="MB Size";Expression={ "{0:N1}" -f ($_.Length / 1MB) }}, Fullname, LastWriteTime;


MB Size FullName                           LastWriteTime
------- --------                           -------------
21.2    C:\Files\Cell356.txt               2/24/2021 8:33:58 AM
0.9     C:\Files\Test123\best.txt          2/24/2021 8:16:29 AM
5.1     C:\Files\Test123\Test321\test.txt  2/24/2021 6:19:08 AM
0.5     C:\Files\Zeta\Cool123.txt          2/24/2021 6:13:05 AM
4.0     C:\Files\ZZettaa\zest.txt          2/24/2021 8:57:58 PM

具有文件名和计算属性“MB Size”的非递归

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\files\*.txt" | 
Select @{Name="MB Size";Expression={ "{0:N1}" -f ($_.Length / 1MB) }}, Name, LastWriteTime;


MB Size Name         LastWriteTime
------- ----         -------------
21.2    Cell356.txt  2/24/2021 8:33:58 AM
0.9     best.txt     2/24/2021 8:16:29 AM
5.1     test.txt     2/24/2021 6:19:08 AM
0.5     Cool123.txt  2/24/2021 6:13:05 AM
4.0     zest.txt     2/24/2021 8:57:58 PM


$sdir = "c:\temp\stuff\";
Get-ChildItem -Path $sdir -Filter "*.txt" -File -Recurse |
Select  @{Name = "MB Size"; Expression = { "{0:N1}" -f ($_.Length / 1MB) }}, 
        @{Name = "sDir"; Expression = { $_.FullName.Replace($sdir,"") }}, 
        Fullname, LastWriteTime



powershell 将为您提供最佳结果。运行此程序并在 excel 中打开结果。根据需要编辑路径。

Get-ChildItem -recurse -path c:\files\*.txt | export-csv c:\files\here.csv


我是新来的,也许这可以帮助你 对于当前目录

for %F in (*.txt) do @echo %~zF  %F


for /f %F in ('dir /s /r /b *.txt') do @echo %~zF  %F


163197  O:\170801072959IMG-20170622-WA0006.txt
729213  O:\170805042647DSC033881.txt
679900  O:\170805045024crop.txt
723650  O:\170805071247temp.txt
66632  O:\170817035334DSC03625_comp.txt
89448  O:\170817035545DSC03569_comp.txt
84730  O:\pics\151104051533IMG_20151103_111229.txt



# check for arguments
if (!$args) { echo "Please specify [path\]filespec. i.e., c:\temp\*.txt or *.txt"; return }
# get the path only
$path = Split-Path $Args  | Where-Object {$_ -ne ''}| Convert-Path
# if no path was specified, use the current directory
$path = IF ([string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($path)){ $pwd.path } else { $path }
# get the filespec (*.txt)
$filespec = Split-Path $Args -Leaf
write-output "`nShowing all $filespec contained under $path"
Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Filter $filespec -File -Recurse |
Format-Table -Wrap @{ Name="Date"; Expression = { $_.LastWriteTime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy  hh:mm:ss  ") }},
    @{ Name="Size"; Expression = { "{0,15:N0}" -f $_.Length }; Alignment="right"; },
    @{ Name="File"; Expression = { ($_.FullName -ireplace [regex]::Escape($path), "").TrimStart("\") }}


PS C:\> C:\utils\sdir.ps1 \users\default\documents\*.txt

Showing all *.txt contained under C:\users\default\documents

Date                              Size File
----                             ----- ----
11/14/2013  01:34:29               970 in\text\people.txt
08/27/2013  11:43:48               498 in\text\review.txt
08/14/2020  05:55:20               176 store\Documentation\Temporary0.txt
08/14/2020  05:55:20                52 store\Documentation\Temporary1.txt
08/14/2020  05:55:21               559 store\Documentation\Logs\Debug log.txt
01/20/2015  04:09:15             5,610 Letters\Letter.txt
12/30/2008  01:43:40             2,212 Misc\Poster.txt
07/30/2011  11:46:58               918 Misc\comments.txt
08/14/2010  04:13:04               523 Misc\Daily.txt
08/31/2010  08:51:24             2,840 Misc\review\overview.txt
01/05/2009  08:04:52             1,768 Misc\review\other.txt

