禁用 Windows 10 更新服务结束垃圾邮件通知?

禁用 Windows 10 更新服务结束垃圾邮件通知?

我一直试图通过创建注册表项和编辑 gpolicy 等传统方式禁用 Windows 10 更新,但无济于事。我重新启动了,但还是不断收到此服务终止更新通知。我想让 Windows 更新可用于新硬件,但我根本不需要安全补丁和功能更新。我不确定如何摆脱这个通知,它每隔几分钟就会出现一次,而且没有办法隐藏它。尽管我也禁用了所有通知,但这个垃圾服务终止通知仍然不断出现。有什么想法吗? Windows 10 持续更新垃圾邮件通知图像


@(echo off% <#%) &color 07 &title Windows Update Notifications-only Toggle, AveYo 2018-2020
set "0=%~f0" &set 1=%*& powershell -nop -c iex ([io.file]::ReadAllText($env:0)) &exit/b ||#>)[1]

$PS = {
 $notify += 'MusNotification','MusNotifyIcon'                             # UpdateOrchestrator
 $notify += 'EOSNotify','GWX'                                             # End Of Support
 $notify += 'Windows10UpgraderApp','Windows10Upgrade','WindowsUpdateBox'  # Windows 10 Upgrade
 $notify += 'UpdateNotificationMgr','UNPUXLauncher','UNPUXHost'           # Universal Notification Platform
# OPTIONAL:                                                               # OPTIONAL:
#$notify += 'wermgr','WerFault','WerFaultSecure','DWWIN'                  # Windows Error Reporting
#$notify += 'compattelrunner'                                             # Application Experience
#$notify += 'dstokenclean','appidtel'                                     # ApplicationData
#$notify += 'wsqmcons'                                                    # Customer Experience Improvement Prg
#$notify += 'dusmtask'                                                    # DUSM
#$notify += 'dmclient'                                                    # Feedback\Siuf
#$notify += 'DataUsageLiveTileTask'                                       # {SID}\DataSenseLiveTileTask
#$notify += 'DiagnosticsHub.StandardCollector.Service'                    # System32\DiagSvcs
#$notify += 'HxTsr'                                                       # microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps
#$notify += 'PilotshubApp'                                                # Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub_
#$notify += 'SpeechModelDownload','SpeechRuntime'                         # Speech
#$notify += 'LocationNotificationWindows','WindowsActionDialog'           # Location

 $status='Windows Update Notifications ENABLED!'
 $ifeo='HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options'
 if (gp "$ifeo\MusNotification.exe" Debugger -ea 0) {$status='Windows Update Notifications DISABLED!'}

# Choice 6 = yes, 7 = no, 2 = cancel
 if ($env:1 -ne 6 -and $env:1 -ne 7) {
   Add-Type -As PresentationFramework;$choice=[System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show('Disable WU Notifications?',$status,3,32);
   if ($choice -eq 2) {exit} else {$c=[int]$choice; $env:1=$c}

# Elevate passing $choice as $env:1
 $i="`r (\   /)`r( * . * )   UAC is useless below Always-Notify`r    ```r"
 $u=0;$w=whoami /groups;if($w-like'*1-5-32-544*'){$u=1};if($w-like'*1-16-12288*'){$u=2};if($w-like'*1-16-16384*'){$u=3}
 if ($u -lt 2) {start powershell -args "-nop -c & {`$i='$i';`$env:1=$c;`$PS={$($PS -replace'"','\"')};& `$PS}" -Verb RunAs;exit}

# Toggle
 if ($env:1 -eq 6) {
   $notify |% {
    kill -name $_ -force -ea 0
    ni "$ifeo\$_.exe" -Force -ea 0|out-null
    sp "$ifeo\$_.exe" Debugger $dummy -Force -ea 0
 } else {
   $notify |% {rp "$ifeo\$_.exe" Debugger -Force -ea 0}

#timeout -1

& $PS
#-_-# hybrid script, can be pasted directly into powershell console


已解决:我发现组策略中有一个条目允许阻止所有更新。对于 Windows Pro 用户:打开运行并键入gpedit.msc按回车键并导航到User Configurations >> Windows Components >> Windows Updates >> Turn off update features

将其设置为阻止更新并隐藏下拉菜单中的通知。现在更新将不再是垃圾邮件,如果您想再次启用它,只需设置为“未配置”,如果您只想更新驱动程序,建议您搜索制造商或使用 Driver Booster 或 Driver Pack Solutions 等工具来完成此操作。
