FTP 客户端登录后立即退出。Pure-ftp/Cpanel/WHM

FTP 客户端登录后立即退出。Pure-ftp/Cpanel/WHM

我正在尝试在 cpanel/whm 服务器上启用 ftp,但用户登录时遇到问题。端口已打开,我可以看到连接已到达服务器,因为它们已记录。但是客户端显示超时,日志只是说用户随后立即注销。

有人能解释一下并为我提供解决方案吗?该服务器正在运行 Cloudlinux、Litespeed 和 CageFS,但是我已测试为用户禁用每个服务,但无济于事。


Error log from filezilla:
Status:         Connecting to [ip address]:21...
Status:         Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Status:         Initializing TLS...
Status:         Verifying certificate...
Status:         TLS connection established.
Status:         Logged in
Status:         Retrieving directory listing...
Command:    PWD
Response:   257 "/" is your current location
Command:    TYPE I
Response:   200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
Command:    PASV
Response:   227 Entering Passive Mode ([ip address stuff])
Command:    MLSD
Error:          The data connection could not be established: ETIMEDOUT - Connection attempt timed out
Error:          Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
Error:          Failed to retrieve directory listing


为了解决这个问题,我提到https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/CKB/How+to+Enable+FTP+Passive+Mode 并通过我的防火墙启用了端口范围 49152 - 65534。
