我有一个主文件夹,其中包含许多文件夹,其名称格式为:大写字母和四个数字(A4431)。我尝试编写的 PowerShell 脚本需要遍历主文件夹中的所有文件夹并检查它们的名称格式是否正确,如果不正确则进行更改。之后,它需要在我的主文件夹中的每个文件夹中创建一个子文件夹结构。子文件夹结构由 4 个文件夹组成,其中一个文件夹有自己的子文件夹。子文件夹结构的名称始终相同。最终结果应如下所示:
Main Folder
-Sub Folder1
-Sub Folder2
-Sub Folder1
-Sub Folder2
#Main directory
$root = "C:\Work files\Test\Main folder"
#Folder name example (A3234)
$pattern = "^([a-zA-Z]){1}\d{4}"
#Subfolder structure needed to be created in each folder
$folders_names = "Customers","Supplier","Orders","Items"
#Get all folders in $root
$dirs = Get-ChildItem $root | Where-Object {$_.Attributes -eq "Directory"}
#loop through all folders in root and check if they have the right name format and change it if necessary
ForEach ($dir in $dirs)
if(!$dir -match $pattern){
$newName = '{0}{1}' -f ($_.BaseName -replace '([a-zA-Z]){1}\d{4}')
$_ | Rename-Item -NewName $newName -Force
#create subfolders in each folder in $root
ForEach ($name in $folder_names){
New-item -path "$root\$dir" -Name $name -Type 'directory'
$regex = "^([A-Z]){1}\d{4}"
$randomNr = Get-Random -Minimum 1000 -Maximum 9999
$randomLetter = @("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P")
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder |
ForEach-Object {
If ($PSItem.BaseName -notmatch '^([a-zA-Z]){1}\d{4}')
{"The folder named $($PSItem.BaseName) is not valid. Changing folder name"
$newName = $randomLetter + $randomNr
Rename-Item $PSItem.BaseName -NewName $newName.ToString() -WhatIf
Renaming object: Renaming is not possible because the element does not exist under "v77".
In line: 10 characters: 7
+ Rename item $ PSItem.BaseName -NewName $ newName.ToString () -Was ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo: InvalidOperation: (:) [Rename-Item], PSInvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId: InvalidOperation, Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RenameItemCommand
我的 MainFolder 中的文件夹结构如下所示。文件夹 v77 应该重命名以匹配模式 C####。关于如何正确完成此操作的任何想法。我非常感谢迄今为止的答案! 测试 MainFolder 内的文件夹结构
*** 步骤 1 - 读取目录树并验证文件夹名称 ***
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder |
ForEach-Object {
If ($PSItem.BaseName -match '^([a-zA-Z]){1}\d{4}')
{"The folder named $($PSItem.BaseName) is valid. Processing folder tree"}
Else {Write-Warning -Message "The folder named $($PSItem.BaseName) is not valid. Updating folder tree."}
# Results
WARNING: The folder named 56U87 is not valid. Updating folder tree.
WARNING: The folder named 9999d is not valid. Updating folder tree.
The folder A4431 is named valid. Processing folder tree
The folder B1234 is named valid. Processing folder tree
The folder C1131 is named valid. Processing folder tree
WARNING: The folder Test is not valid. Updating folder tree.
*** 第 2 步 创建子文件夹 ***
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder' |
ForEach-Object {
If ($PSItem.BaseName -match '^([a-zA-Z]){1}\d{4}' )
$ParentFolder = $PSItem.FullName
"The folder named $($PSItem.BaseName) is valid. Processing folder tree"
'Customers','Supplier','Orders','Items' |
ForEach {New-Item -Path $ParentFolder -Name $PSItem -ItemType Directory -WhatIf}
Else {Write-Warning -Message "The folder named $($PSItem.BaseName) is not valid. Updating folder tree."}
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder' -Recurse
# Results
WARNING: The folder named 56U87 is not valid. Updating folder tree.
WARNING: The folder named 9999d is not valid. Updating folder tree.
The folder named A4431 is valid. Processing folder tree
What if: Performing the operation "Create Directory" on target "Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\A4431\Customers".
What if: Performing the operation "Create Directory" on target "Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\A4431\Supplier".
What if: Performing the operation "Create Directory" on target "Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\A4431\Orders".
What if: Performing the operation "Create Directory" on target "Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\A4431\Items".
The folder named B1234 is valid. Processing folder tree
*** 步骤 3 仅为子文件夹 Orders 创建孙文件夹 ***
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder' |
ForEach-Object {
If ($PSItem.BaseName -match '^([a-zA-Z]){1}\d{4}' )
$ParentFolder = $PSItem.FullName
"The folder named $($PSItem.BaseName) is valid. Processing folder tree"
'Customers','Supplier','Orders','Items' |
ForEach {
New-Item -Path $ParentFolder -Name $PSItem -ItemType Directory -WhatIf
$GrandChildFolder = "$ParentFolder\$PSItem"
If ($GrandChildFolder -match 'Orders')
1..2 |
ForEach-Object {New-Item -Path $GrandChildFolder -Name "Folder$PSItem" -ItemType Directory -WhatIf}
Else {Write-Warning -Message "The folder named $($PSItem.BaseName) is not valid. Updating folder tree."}
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder' -Recurse
# Results
WARNING: The folder named 56U87 is not valid. Updating folder tree.
WARNING: The folder named 9999d is not valid. Updating folder tree.
The folder named A4431 is valid. Processing folder tree
What if: Performing the operation "Create Directory" on target "Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\A4431\Customers".
What if: Performing the operation "Create Directory" on target "Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\A4431\Supplier".
What if: Performing the operation "Create Directory" on target "Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\A4431\Orders".
What if: Performing the operation "Create File" on target "Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\A4431\Orders\Folder1".
What if: Performing the operation "Create File" on target "Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\A4431\Orders\Folder2".
What if: Performing the operation "Create Directory" on target "Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\A4431\Items".
The folder named B1234 is valid. Processing folder tree
WARNING: The folder named Test is not valid. Updating folder tree.
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder'
# Results
Directory: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 5/19/2021 2:59 PM A4431
d----- 5/19/2021 3:00 PM B1234
d----- 5/19/2021 3:00 PM C1131
d----- 5/19/2021 3:00 PM d9999
d----- 5/19/2021 3:02 PM u5687
Get-ChildItem 'C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder' -Directory |
Rename-Item -NewName {($TempName = "_$($PSItem.BaseName.ToUpper())")}
Get-ChildItem 'C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder' -Directory |
Rename-Item -NewName {$PSItem.BaseName -replace '_',''}
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder'
# Results
Directory: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 5/19/2021 2:59 PM A4431
d----- 5/19/2021 3:00 PM B1234
d----- 5/19/2021 3:00 PM C1131
d----- 5/19/2021 3:00 PM D9999
d----- 5/19/2021 3:02 PM U5687
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder' |
ForEach-Object {
$ParentFolder = $PSItem.FullName
'Customers','Supplier','Orders','Items' |
ForEach {
New-Item -Path $ParentFolder -Name $PSItem -ItemType Directory
$GrandChildFolder = "$ParentFolder\$PSItem"
If ($PSItem -match 'Orders')
1..2 |
ForEach-Object {New-Item -Path $GrandChildFolder -Name "Folder$PSItem" -ItemType Directory}
更新 - 根据我们的后续评论
以下是我试图提供启发的想法。请注意,这只是其中一种方法。众所周知,PowerShell 有许多方法可以实现 X 或 Y,其中一些方法比其他方法更优雅。下面的方法还不够完善,但确实有所变化。因此,您需要根据自己的用例进行调整。
$Increment = 1
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder' -Directory |
$FolderName = $PSItem
$FolderNameLength = $PSItem.BaseName.Length
switch ($FolderNameLength)
$FolderName |
Rename-Item -NewName $($FolderName.Name).ToUpper() -WhatIf
If ($FolderName.Name.Length -lt 5)
If(-Not (Test-Path -Path "$($folderName.Parent.FullName)\$($($FolderName.Name).PadRight(5, '0').ToUpper())))"))
{Rename-Item -Path $FolderName.FullName -NewName $($FolderName.Name).PadRight(5, '0').ToUpper() -WhatIf}
If((Test-Path -Path "$($folderName.Parent.FullName)\$($($FolderName.Name.Substring(0,5).ToUpper())))"))
Else {Rename-Item -Path $FolderName.FullName -NewName ($FolderName.Name.Substring(0,5).ToUpper() -replace $FolderName.Name.Substring(1,4), ([string][int]$FolderName.Name.Substring(1,3) + ($Increment++))) -WhatIf}
# Results
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\A4431 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\A4431".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\B1234 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\B1234".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\C1131 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\C1131".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\d9999 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\D9999".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\u5687 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\U5687".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\v77 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\V7700".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\v778 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\V7780".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\X10000 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\X1001".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\x100000 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\X1002".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\z123456789 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\Z1233".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\z1234567890 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\Z1234".
请记住,只在测试环境中运行从其他人那里获得的代码或利用-WhatIf and or -Confirm
$WhatIfPreference = $true
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$SourcePath = 'C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder'
$Increment = 1
Get-ChildItem -Path $SourcePath -Directory |
ForEach-Object {
If ($PSItem.BaseName.Length -eq 5)
$TempName = ($PSItem |
Rename-Item -NewName {("_$($PSItem.BaseName.ToUpper())")} -PassThru)
Get-Item -Path $TempName |
Rename-Item -NewName {$PSItem.FullName -replace '_',''}
If ($PSItem.BaseName.Length -lt 5)
{Rename-Item -Path $PSItem.FullName -NewName $($PSItem.BaseName).PadRight(5,'0').ToUpper()}
If ($PSItem.BaseName.Length -gt 5)
Rename-Item -Path $PSItem.FullName -NewName $(
$(($PSItem.BaseName.Substring(0,5)).ToUpper()) -replace
'\d{4}', ($($PSItem.BaseName.Substring(1,3) + $Increment++))
$WhatIfPreference = $false
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
更新 --- 或者对所有这些进行随机重命名重构,以强制执行您的分类法,而不管原始名称如何
$WhatIfPreference = $true
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$Increment = 1
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder' -Directory |
ForEach-Object {
$NewFolderName = (([char[]](65..90)) | Get-Random -Count 1) +
(([char[]]((48..57)) | Get-Random -Count 4) -join '')
If ($PSItem.BaseName -cnotmatch ($PSItem.BaseName.ToUpper()))
{Rename-Item $PSItem.FullName -NewName ($PSItem.BaseName -creplace $PSItem.BaseName, $NewFolderName)}
Rename-Item -Path $PSItem.FullName -NewName $(
$(($PSItem.BaseName.Substring(0,5)).ToUpper()) -replace
'\d{4}', ($($NewFolderName.Substring(1,3) + $Increment++))
$WhatIfPreference = $false
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
# Results
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\A4431 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\A6121".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\B1234 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\B5102".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\C1131 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\C5233".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\d9999 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\X7184".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\u5687 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\C4251".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\v77 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\B6340".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\v778 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\P1738".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\X10000 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\X3764".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\x100000 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\D1845".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\x100003 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\G5641".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\X100004 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\X9685".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\z123456789 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\S7638".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\Z1234567890 Destination: C:\WorkFiles\Test\MainFolder\Z6916".